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"Stay still..! Oh for Merlin's-- There we go!"

The bow tie finally got on and didn't snap off.

Admiring himself in the mirror, he left me alone to change.

I opened the door, letting him in.

"Alright, Sirius... What d'you think?"
Twirling around, he barked in response.

"You look amazing, Ella!"

"Thank you."
I smiled, sitting down in front the mirror

Attempting to do my hair, Sirius couldn't help but do it himself.

"Where'd you learn how to do hair?"

"I have long hair myself, Ella.. I like to style it myself, you know."

"That's a skill I wish I can have,"
He chuckled, putting white flowers in my hair.

Where did the flowers come from? I bought them from a flower shop not too far,

I looked in the mirror one last time as Rita came in.

"Wow... Amazing, Elladora.. and your dog too, I suppose,"
Sirius huffed, going out the door.

"Yes, well.. I'd better be going, don't wanna be late!"
I waved her goodbye and went out,

People stared as I walked through Hogsmeade, Madam Rosmerta had complimented us on our way out, feeding Sirius' ego a little.

Kids often stopped playing and pet Sirius, admiring his bow tie.

He had fun with all the attention, I could tell.

"Having fun, Padds?"
He barked in response,

Thankfully, students haven't arrived in the great hall yet.

Which means, I could get in unnoticed. I opened the doors, seeing the Professors preparing for last minute decor,

"Ella, my you look stunning.. Now,"
Professor McGonagall lead me to my own table at the side, fit for me and Sirius.

She told me what to do and what not to do, I reassured her it was okay.

"Professor, it'll be like I'm not even here! I'll just report on how the ball is like and the Champions having a great time with their dates,"
She smiled, looking down at Sirius before walking off.

I could hear the chatter of students as they lined up by entrance, waiting for the Champions.

"Oh I can't wait to see how Ced looks.."
I muttered before the doors opened.

All four of the Champions looked incredible with their dates.
I took pictures as they walked to the front,

The claps died down as the orchestra started.

✓Darling, I love you | Professor R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now