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"You've got your broom?"

"Yes, but why--"

"Cast a charm, make yourself invisible from muggles."

I followed his instructions, confused.
We were flying, but where?

"Just follow me!"
He got in a broom and flew away, speeding past all the vehicles. Nearly getting run over.

"Merlin he's gonna give me a heart attack...!"

He exclaimed in excitement, going pass cruise ships and people on the sidewalk.

"Ella you're too slow!"
He laughed maniacally,

"I haven't been on a broom for years!"
I groaned, a few steps behind him.

My broom wasn't really used while I was in school. In my first year, yes I used it alot.
Now, it just sits on a cupboard until Sirius just asked me to take it.

We finally arrived somewhere..

I don't know where we are, but as we neared the houses, everything seemed to freeze as the two houses were pushed out as another house appeared between them.

A pair of rickety stairs helped us get inside. I looked around, seeing the inside being very worn out.

"What's this place..?"

"My lovely abode... Or what's left of it, anyway,"
He welcomed me in, leading me to the kitchen.

"Order of the Phoenix is a secret organization. Only a few of us are apart of it now, including the Weasleys, Hermione and other more."
He explained to me,

I wrote this down, but with no intent of publishing it or showing it to anywhere. Just to help me remember it,

"Right, so... Where's everyone else?"
I asked, spotting a piano in the corner of the room.

"On their way."

I just remembered that I had two more reports about the Ministry and a hearing.
Immediately getting my quill and notepad, Sirius sat in silence. Waiting for the others,

"What's that about?"
He asked,

"The Ministry and an upcoming hearing.. Actually, I've been given permission to attend the hearing."

He sat up, smiling.

"Really? Will you go?"

I pulled a face,
"Erm... I'm not too sure.."

Then, voices from the halls echoed as a woman scolded her children.

"Oh, Ron stop your bambling!"

✓Darling, I love you | Professor R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now