Chapter 2: Breathtaking

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|Andy's P.O.V|-three months later-

  It was midnight when I heard the screams from upstairs. I got up into the room and saw Ava on the floor holding her stomach. Was it time... is it finally happen...

  "Andy we need to go now!" I picked her up and carried her to the car. I didnt care what I looked like at that moment. Nothing was more important than getting her to the hospital. All i could think in my head was the baby...the baby is coming... she finally coming...

  As we pulled up to the emergency room some doctors were already outside and helped me take her away from the cold. I took her hand and stared in her teary eyes. I could feel the vibe of her pain floating around her.

  "We are going to have her have a natural birth." The doctor told me as i nodded back at him. I stood next to Ava and tried to comfort her as much as i could.

  "Lets get this over with already!" She cried out. I kissed her forehead to show her i was still there and she squeezed her hand tighter around mine.

  After alot of pushes and countdowns i heard a screeching. It was my baby girl. The doctors let me cut the cord and had me wait for them to clean her up. I hugged Ava as she cried in my shoulder.

  "Congratulations Mrs. And Mr. Biersack, you have a beautiful and healthy baby girl." The nurse hand her to Ava.

  "Hey sweetie. Its your mama. Shhh its okay..." Ava easily calmed her down.

  "Whats her name?" The nurse asked as she was writing it down on a birth certificate.

  "Sapphire Elena Biersack." I quickly answered. She was alittle bit tan with black curly hair. Her eyes were green and blue with a tint of brown. They pierced my heart with a love shock. I started to cry as Ava lifted her up to give her to me. Sapphire grabbed my finger and let out a little giggle. So this is what it feels like...

  I called Ronnie, Ranae and Kellin, Ash, and Vic about the new arrival. They all hurried to the hospital to see Sapphire. Ranae and Kellin brought their kids Blade and Blaze and they were excited to see their new cousin. Vic and Ash gave Ava some flowers with a box of chocolate.

  Couple hours had past and Ronnie finally came. He brought his daughter and a really big teddy bear.

  "I thought she could use a cuddle buddy." We laughed.

  "Thanks Ronnie that means so much." Ava tried to speak as if she was awake but we knew she wasn't.

  When i came to the night, Ava was already past out of the hospital bed. I got to rock Sapphire asleep. I started to sing to her "Rebel Love Song." As my words drifted her to sleep i shed a few more tears. I cant believe I'm a father.

●song: Rebal Love Song - Black Veil Brides

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