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You had the biggest smile on your face when you walked into your building

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You had the biggest smile on your face when you walked into your building. Butterflies were in your belly and you couldn't wait to lay down and think about the day you had. Except, when you got to your room, you seen the door was cracked open. You pushed the door open and seen your belongings scattered all around the room. Your school books were destroyed, your clothes were cut up and doused in bleach. And the word 'Whore' was spray painted on the wall.
You weren't sad. You were irritated. Pissed even. This was high school bullshit and only one person had access to the room. Amber.
You decided to call up Amber and cuss her ass out.
"What the fuck do you want?" She answered.
"You are so fucking lucky that you're pregnant. Otherwise I'd whoop your ass you dirty bitch. You destroyed my property and I plan on filing a report against you" you hung up then decided to call Erik.
"Hey Erik..."
"Wussup? You get in okay?"
"Yea I'm in my dorm now..."
"Good. So wussup?"
"The fuck she do?"
"She trashed my dorm. Destroyed all of my shit. My clothes, books, everything"
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Very serious. She's the only one who had access to the room"
You could hear Erik sigh on the other end of the phone.
"Wow. I'm sorry. I'll replace everything. Just...I'm so tired of this shit. I'll come over and clean the shit up"
"It's okay. I'm capable of cleaning it up. I just thought I'd let you know before I start taking pictures and file a report against her"
Erik let out another long sigh.
"Do what you have to do. I won't be upset"
"Do you still want my help?"
"If you want. Sure"
"I'll be there in about twenty minutes"
Erik showed up with a pizza and Hennessy.
"Odd combination" you laughed as you opened your door for him to come inside.
"I think we both deserve a drink" he looked around the room and shook his head. "Wow. This is fucked up"
"Yea...all my fucking notes are gone. My clothes are all bleached. I'll have to pay to pay a cleaning fee when I move out after graduation. I don't want to disrespect you but Amber is a spoiled bitch. If she wasn't pregnant, I'd beat her ass"
Erik laughed and shook his head.
"I won't get in the middle of no girl drama but I agree, she need her ass whooped. She never got disciplined growing up and now I'm paying for it"
"She was your only child. I understand not wanting to be too hard on her"
"Yea. Well, I wasn't around all the time either. I worked a lot. I blame myself for how she is. I'm not trying to baby her. She needed a dad and I wasn't there"
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close, kissing him on his lips. He kisses you back then pulls away.
"We should probably get this cleaned up but let me make a phone call first" he pulled his phone out and dialed a number.
"Hey Nadia. I hope you weren't sleep"
"No. I'm in the bath actually. What's up?"
"Have you seen Amber today?"
"Yea. She's over here with Vince. Is everything okay?"
"Nah, when you get out the bath can you please bring her back to her dorm? Don't even tell her you're bringing her here"
"Oh so I have to rush my bath to do you a favor?"
"I'm just messing with you. Of course I'll bring her. She was pretty upset when she came over. Are you both okay?"
"Same shit. Her and her mom making my life hell. She's pregnant, Nadia"
The line went silent.
"Are you serious?"
"Yea. She told me about a month ago. Vince knows too"
"I'm getting out the bath right now"
"He ain't tell you?"
"Hell no! What the fuck?!"
"I ain't even want them together"
"Me either! ........Vince! Amber!" Nadia yelled over the phone. "I'm on my way, Erik"
Erik hung up the phone and looked at you.
"Let's eat in my car" Erik walked out and you followed behind him. The two of you waited in his car, eating and drinking.
"So who's Nadia?" You ask.
"My ex. Her son is Vince. I cheated on my ex wife with her. None of us wanted Amber and Vince together but I guess they were sneaking around"
A few moments later, Nadia pulled up and got out of the car wearing a robe and sandals. Erik stepped out of the car and spoke to her in the front of his car.
"Look, ain't shit we can do about it now. Nadia, we gotta end this"
"I understand" she nodded.
"Are you fucking serious?! You're sleeping with her too?!" Amber got out of the car and confronted Erik.
"Amber! Watch your fucking mouth!" Erik yelled at her.
"Or what?! Ms. Nadia, did you know that my dad has been sleeping with my best friend while also sleeping with you? Oh and she's pregnant"
Nadia looked between Erik and Amber, confused. Vince got out of the car and looked at his mom.
"You've been cheating on dad?!"
"You got your daughters friend pregnant?" Nadia asked.
"I'm really not in the mood for this shit. Nadia, I'm done sleeping with you. Amber, get your ass upstairs to that dorm and clean that shit up! Oh and by the way, I'm done paying for your school and car. You wanna be a disrespectful little bitch? Good luck in life" Erik climbed back into his car and pulled off.
"You can stay with me for now"

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