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The next morning you wake up to cook Erik breakfast but he comes downstairs already dressed with his keys in his hand.
"Good morning" you smile. He walks over to you and kisses your neck.
"Good morning, beautiful"
"You leaving?"
"Yea, I'm meeting up with Amber. She wants to talk"
"Oh..." your face changed to sadness.
"It's okay. I'll be back later" he rubbed over your stomach and kissed you again.
"Feed my baby" he laughed.
"Erik....I don't want you to have to choose between me and Amber-"
"Y/N, I'll never choose between the two of you. She's my daughter and you're....the mother of my child. You're both very important in my life. I don't know what she wants to talk about but I'll defend you, okay?"
"Don't be like that. I'll bring you something back"
"Okay. I love you" you said then immediately regretted it. "Please don't respond to that. Ignore it"
Erik laughed and kissed your temple before leaving.
Pulling up to Ambers favorite restaurant, Erik climbed out of his car and met her inside. As he approached the table, he seen Amber sitting there looking at the menu.
"Hey babygirl" he startled her.
"Hey dad" she smiled.
"How you been?" He sat down across from her. "How's the baby?"
"I'm good. Baby is good. I'm three months"
"That's good"
"Yea....how far is Y/N?" Amber and Erik made awkward eye contact.
"I don't know. We just found out she's pregnant"
"Oh..." Amber looked down at the table.
"Yea, so what did you want to talk about?"
"Dad, I really want you to be in my baby's life. I really want you to be in my life....but that can't happen if you're still with Y/N. I don't fucking like her. She's a fucking snake. When will you learn that she's only using you for what you have? She sees the cars you drive, the house you live in, she's trapping you and you don't see it"
"Amber, you're my daughter and I'll always love you. Of course I want to be in you and my grandchild's life but I won't tolerate the disrespect. I approached Y/N. I'm the one who talked her into having sex. I know it's not something you want to hear but she didn't approach me. She's not trapping me and she don't know shit about my income. We're having a baby together and we're going to make this work. If you're not okay with that then it's too bad. Y/N is now a priority in my life-"
"She'll never be my stepmom. I don't know what your plan is with her but she'll never be a fucking mom to me!" Amber yelled.
"Calm the fuck down! I never said she would be your stepmom. I'm not thinking that far ahead. Our child will be your sibling though and there's not shit you can do about that. You need to respect her and you need to respect me, damnit!"
Amber and Erik sat in silence for a while.
"Fuck her. Why her?" Ambers eyes were watery.
"It just happened. I didn't mean for it to go past a one time hook up but it did"
"But why her? She was my friend. We lived together you fucked her in our room!"
"Amber, I don't fucking know why. I'm sorry that this affects you. I didn't mean to hurt you"
"Bullshit. You've always been selfish. You did this for your own selfish reasons"
"That's fine" Erik sat back in his seat.
"So I guess this is goodbye. You're choosing her over me and your grandchild"
"I never said I was choosing. You're making that decision for me"
"Because you won't leave her! Do you love her? Is that why you're staying? You can't love her, you barely know her"
"Yes, I'm falling in love with her. One of the reasons being because she's carrying my child. I'm not going to leave her alone and pregnant to make you feel better. Shit, I ain't want you with Vince and yet y'all having a baby together and living together. Who are you to judge me? I'm a grown ass man! I'm your parent. Don't question me and the decisions I make. At the end of the day, Y/N and I are going to be together and we're having a child together. If you don't want to be apart of that, fine. I won't force you. If you don't want me to be apart of your life, fine. I won't force you. I'll always love you but I'm done having this conversation. It's not going anywhere" Erik stood up and looked at Amber one last time before leaving. Second chapter closed.
You were sitting at Eriks place waiting for him to get back. His dogs were out back running around and you lounged on the couch rubbing your hands over your stomach. You were really pregnant. You couldn't believe it. You never really thought about having kids before but now, now it's all you could think about. You were so glad that graduation was near and you could finally rest after four hard long years.
You were busy daydreaming when you got a call from your parents.
"Y/N, sweetheart I just wanted to let you know that dad and I are on our way home. Should be home in a few days" your mom said over the phone.
"Okay. I can't wait to see you"
"Another thing....we need to talk. Your grandma says you're pregnant"
Fuck. Really grandma?!
"Huh?" You sit ups straight.
"Your grandma told your dad that you're pregnant. She tried to take it back but....Y/N, are you pregnant?"
"Mom.......yes, I'm pregnant. I promise I was going to tell you but I wanted to tell you in person"
"Y/N, I'm happy for you if you're happy. Are you happy?"
"I think so. I'm stressed right now but I think I'm happy"
"Is he happy?"
"I think so..."
"You don't sound so sure"
"We just found out and he's been really busy with other things"
"We want to meet him. I don't want you having anymore secret boyfriends. When we get back, we want to meet him"
"No. It's better to get it out the way now"
"Fine" you let out a long sigh. You doubt Erik would want to meet your parents. He was a grown GROWN man. As old as them.
"Y/N, we want to meet him"
"Okay mom"
"Love you, baby"
"Love you too"
You hang up just in time as Erik walks in holding a black Chanel gift bag and a few boxes.
"Hey Erik" you stand up to approach him. He sits everything down and hugs you.
"Hey. Were you bored here alone?"
"No. Your dogs kept me company"
"You okay? You seem....I don't know"
"I just got off the phone with my parents....they insist on meeting you....they know I'm pregnant. My grandma slipped up and told my dad"
Eriks fingers slowly traced your jaw.
"Okay" he says.
"It's not something I'm looking forward to but it's only right that I meet them"
"You're not mad?"
"Nah. Should I be?"
"No. It's just...you're as old as my dad and it might be weird"
"It's only a little weird. But it'll be okay" he leaned in to kiss you. His touches were always soft and sweet. Even during sex. Though you liked it rough, he always took his time with you and made sure you were good.
"Erik...about what I said earlier..."
"It's all good, Y/N. If that's how you feel, it's okay"
"But I don't want to scare you away. I don't want you thinking I'm just saying it because we're having a kid together. I really did mean it. I do love you"
"And I love you too, Y/N. And not because we're having a kid together. I love you because I think we'll be good for each other"
"I agree" you smile.
"Like I promised, I brought you some things back" he handed you the Chanel bag and medium sized boxes.
"Erik...Chanel? You really didn't have to. I don't even carry Chanel" you were in awe.
"Oh...I figured all women liked this shit"
"Well-no, I like it. I do. It's just really expensive. I would never spend the money on this"
"Well it's a good thing you didn't have to. Open it up"
You grabbed Eriks hand and led him into the living room. He sat in the corner of the couch while you opened up the boxes. He watched you closely but his mind was elsewhere.
You opened the large box and pulled out a beautiful fuchsia velvet handbag. It was something you were telling your friends about when you all went window shopping a few months back.
"Erik.." your voice was stuck in your throat. This bag was way too expensive. You looked at the price tag and it said $4,000. You quickly tucked it in and admired your new handbag.
"Wussup?" Erik finally put his attention on you.
"This is beautiful. Very generous of you"
"It's nothing" he looked sad almost. You moved closer to him and made yourself comfortable on his lap. You ran your fingers through his beard.
"Are you okay? How did your talk go?"
"Didn't go anywhere. Amber said if I chose you and our baby, she doesn't want anything to do with me. She won't let me be in her child's life"
"Wow" you shook your head. "She is fucking ridiculous"
"She's hurt"
"Stop making excuses for her. She's old enough to know what she's doing. I'm sure this has nothing to do with me at all. I'm sure she just doesn't want you with any other woman but her mom"
"I'm not making excuses for her. I'm just telling the truth. I hurt her. It'll take some time for her to be okay with us"
"She's trying to get you to chose her over me and our child"
"But I didn't. I'm here with you, aren't I?"
"Yes but will you be content here?"
Erik looked you in your eyes. He looked hurt and you wanted to take the pain away.
"Yes. I'm already content having you around all this time" he kissed you.
"You promise?"
"I promise, baby"
The next few days you spend with Erik. He takes you to school and picks you up. You sent your evidence to the campus regarding Amber trashing your dorm and waited for them to get back to you. But tonight, tonight you would be having dinner at your parents house.
Erik drove as you sat in the passenger seat nervously.
"You good, baby?" He glanced over at you, noticing you playing with them hem of your black dress.
"Just scared" you admit. Your voice was shaky.
"It'll be okay. Stop worrying" he placed his hand on your thigh.
Erik parks the car and he gets out and walks to your side, letting you out.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Maybe" your legs felt like jello. Erik grabbed your hand in his as you led him to the front door. You knocked and your dad opened the door. He smiled seeing you. It had been a few months since you've seen your parents.
"Babygirl, how are you?" He held his arms out to you and you hugged him tight.
"Hey daddy. I missed you" you kissed his cheek.
"I missed you more. We bought you some gifts back from Greece"
"I can't wait. Um, dad, this is Erik...my-my-"
"Her boyfriend. Nice to meet you" Erik smiled.
"Nice to meet you too. You look a little older than I assumed..."
"Yea, I'm a little older"
"May I ask how old?"
"I'll be 41 next month"
Your dad nearly choked on his own saliva.
"41? Y/N?" Your dads hard eyes looked at you.
"Daddy, please don't"
"I'll have to apologize, Erik. I wasn't aware that you would be the same age as me. I'm 42, my wife is 38..."
"And I understand that. I have a daughter myself, I wouldn't be too happy if I found out she was dating someone twice her age but I promise you that I'm not here to take advantage of your daughter"
Your dad eyed Erik down but ultimately, he was speechless. If you weren't pregnant, he would tell you to run. Unfortunately for him, you were and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Please, come inside" your dad led the two of you to the large kitchen where your mom was pulling an apple pie from the oven.
"Baby, Y/N and her boyfriend are here" your dad said. Your mom turned around and faced the two of you. She gasped and dropped the glass dish onto the ground. Her eyes were wide as she stared at Erik.

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