Chapter 4: The Next Day

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  So here we are yet again back at this arena. The day that I am supposed to promote a charity event at a major NHL game. Why? Who knows. But at least its coverage even if this is done in a different way than normal. 

Matt has his camera bag with him so he can take photos of me and of the game. He is just doing this one from the stands rather than any where else. 

As he and I make our way to our to the entrance of the arena he decided to snap a few random pictures here and there of me.  I think he gets enjoyment out of seeing me in an uncomfortable spotlight. Now don't be going and getting me wrong, I get my pictures taken a lot too, but just not as much as other professional athletes.

We make our way to our seats that are near the glass of the visiting side, three rows up to be exact. The teams come out and do their stretches and warm-ups. As we watch the teams, Tampa Bay Lightning and Dallas Stars, a few people come up to me.

"Excuse us, we hate to bother you. But are you Rochelle Parker?" A mom asks me as her little girl hides behind her.

"Yes, I am."

"Do you mind if my daughter gets a picture with you? She is such a big fan of  yours." The mom asks politely.

"Of course. I would love to." I say smiling. "And what's your name sweetie?"

"Parker Smith." The little girl says sticking her hand out to shake mine.

Matt takes the mom's phone and takes our picture. Then he stands there and takes his camera out and snaps a few with that one. He gets their contact information and says he will send them a copy.  

As we took several photos, with other people, I happen to notice out of the corner of my eye two guys standing near the glass watching. Both of them wearing Dallas Stars jerseys. One had a C on  his while the other had an A. I remember Jayson telling me that the C stood for Captain and the A stood for Alternate Captain. 

The other people shook my hands and wished me the best of luck for when I return back to the lanes. Of course after asking if I was ever going back. Who would have thought with just a slight tear of a ligament people think you are out for good. But once I reassured them I was indeed returning to the lanes they were all happy. And more people wanted their pictures and autographs with me. Its humbling to me. I just feel like a regular person. Not a famous one. Well at least not to the bowling community that is.

Once all the pictures were taken and everyone left me alone I turned my attention back to the ice. I noticed that the two guys were still standing there but this time 2 more showed up. They were talking and looking at my direction. Just then three left but one remained. The one that had the A. He raised his brow at me and I did the same. He smirked then went back to the ice. But as I watched as the teams left for a bit he was the last one off.  

During the game, which I got lost trying to focus on what was happening, I noticed a gentleman come up to me and ask if I was Rochelle Parker. He was wearing an ESPN logo on his shirt. I of course acknowledged him that I was indeed Rochelle. He asked me to follow him to the area where I would be conducting a T.V. interview near the ice. I followed the man, knowing this is what Matt and Travis were talking about when it came to promoting the event. We made our way to a section of the ice that just so happens to be right next to where the Stars were sitting. 

The production crew handed me a mic and and ear piece and showed me where I needed to sit. So lets begin.

"So here I am next to one of the most hottest sensations to hit the lanes, Rochelle Parker." the announcer says. 

"Hello, Randy. How are you doing tonight? And I wouldn't say I am the hottest sensation. I'm just an average girl." I knew his name was Randy cause I have talked with him before.

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