An unsuspected event

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Hotch's POV: Alright now where did I put my keys? Jack have you seen my keys?

Jack: Dad they're in your go bags front pocket.

Thanks buddy. Alright let's get go so your not late to school.

At Jacks school

Hey buddy I'm going to try and be back home before you go to bed so that means Aunt Jessica is going to be staying with you until I get home. If anything changes before you go home I'll call the school and have them let you know ok.

Jack: Ok dad. Be safe

I will Jack. Have a good day.

On the way to work

(Pulls out phone and answers) Hotchner

JJ: Hey Hotch how far away are you from work

About ten minutes why? What up JJ

JJ: I need you to check on Reid for me

Ok I'm near his apartment now but can you tell me what's going on

JJ: I tried calling him multiple times. Actually we all did but he won't answer us and we call the owner of the apartment he's at and his car's still there. Hotch I'm worried about him. He's never not answered any of us before

Ok JJ I'm just pulling into his apartment complex now I'll see what's going on and then call you back once I figure something out ok

JJ: Ok thank you Hotch

After hanging up and pulling out his badge knowing that Reid won't buzz him in if he won't answer phone calls

Reid .... Reid I know your in there. Spencer open the door. (Panic slowly starts to set in)  Spencer open the door. (Kicks down spencers door) Spencer..... Spencer where are you. (Runs over to Reid's bedroom and kicks done the door) Oh my god Spencer. Hold on Spencer I'm going to get you help.

After calling 911 and the calling JJ back

JJ: Hotch, how is he

I need you to put me on speaker

JJ: Ok do how is he

I need you to all meet me at the hospital closest to his apartment

Dave: Aaron what's wrong with the kid is he alright

There's no time to explain but I'll see you all when you get there.

Derek POV: Alright guys you heard him let's get over the hospital. (Thinking) What the hell is up with you pretty boy.

At the hospital

Hotch what the hell happened to him where is he

Hotch: He ...... he was on the floor in his bedroom wrist slashed, a bottle of pills near by completely empty and multiple empty containers of Dilaudid

JJ: I thought that he stopped taking Dilaudid

Emily: We all did JJ we all did

Dave: Aaron did you know

Hotch: No

Damn it why the hell didn't he talk to me about this

Penelope: Derek please calm down

I'm sorry baby girl it's just this isn't normally like him. Sure his Dilaudid addiction was likely to come back but the rest of it. It's not like him to.......

Penelope: I know

Hotch's POV: Dave

Dave: What's is it Aaron

Why? Why did he do it

Dave: I don't know Aaron I don't know

Doctor: For Dr. Spencer Reid

The whole team: Yes

Dr. You may only go one at a time but is anyone here family

No but he's part of our team

Dr: As I said you may go in one at a time but O first need to speak with who found him

That was me

Dr. Can you please come with me sir


After stepping away from the others

Dr: Sir what is your name

Aaron..... Aaron Hotchner

Dr: Did Dr. Reid have a previous history of drug abuse by any chance

Yes a few years ago we had a case where he was taken and beaten for a few days and drugged. After the day we got him he was hooked on the drug and it took almost a year of counseling to get him off of it

Dr: Can you tell me what the name of the drug was

It was Dilaudid

Dr: Ok thank you Mr. Hotchner. If you would like you can go and see him

Ok thank you

Dr: Of course. You can find him in room 302

Ok thank you again Dr.

After walking into Reid's hospital room

Spencer why would you do this? (Pulls up a chair close to Reid's hospital bed and sits in it) God damn it Spencer why the hell didn't you talk to one of us? Why didn't you talk to me? I would have dropped everything to help you. (Drops voice to nothing louder than a whisper) I love you Spencer, I just wish I could tell you when you were conscious, that you would feel the same, that if it would work we could be accepted.

Tears stay to fall down Hotch's face

Spencer: (With a horse voice) Hotch is that you

Spencer thank god your alright

Spencer: Where am I

Your at the hospital

Spencer: How did I get here

I called the police when I came to your apartment after JJ called me on my way to work because you wouldn't answer your phone and you weren't at work. She also had the owner of your apartment check to see if you car was still there and the only added to our worry when it was

Spencer: I'm sorry. I should have called before I did anything. Oh and Hotch

Please call me Aaron. We're not working

Spencer: Aaron I love you too

You heard all of that

Spencer: Yes

(Blushing slightly) I'm going to get the doctor so they can make sure your doing alright before I go and tell the team that your awake

Spencer: Ok but Aaron......


Spencer: Can I have a hug

Sure. (Walks over to Spencer and gives him a hug) Hey Spencer

Spencer: Humm

(Grabs Spencer's hand and holds it tightly but not tight enough to hurt him). Please talk to me next time ok

Spencer: Ok

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