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After the new students got sorted, the Great Hall was emptied by the house. Slytherin exited first, then Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor last. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and I  stuck together amidst the swarm of students. Ron's older brother, Percy, pushes through the crowd towards the painting of the fat lady.  He mutters "Caput Draconis" and the painting/door swings open. The taller heads in front of me prevent me from seeing the common room but, once we enter, I feel the warmth from the many roaring fires surrounding the couches and armchairs.

 I'm admiring the common room even more when Hermione pulls me by my arm into a corner where Harry and Ron are sitting on stools. 

"We're trying to get away from the crowd," Hermione says, and I nod, but when I look back, lot's of people are trudging up the stairs that lead to the dormitories.  Ron shrugs, and Hermione facepalms. "Never mind. Let's go up." Ron and Harry retreat up the stairs to their dormitory, and Hermione leads me up to our dormitory. 

Five four-poster beds were positioned in a semi-circle around the stone room. Velvet curtains were draped across the beds, and our trunks were sitting at the foot of them. Hermione and I were starting to unpack some of our belongings in our trunks when two girls loudly burst into the room. One had light brown, curly-ish hair, and the other was darker skinned and had almost black hair.

"Who's she?" They looked at Hermione after they caught their breath.

"This is Elizabeth, the transfer student." They exchanged looks. They giggled.

"She was sorted into Gryffindor? We heard the uproar but didn't see who it was." The brown-haired girl was twirling her hair around her finger. 

"Were you somehow distracted from the sorting? I mean, how in the-" Hermione started, but I cut her off by patting her on the shoulder. I get up and walk over to the two girls. 

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Martin," I start.

"Hi, Elizabeth! I'm Lavender Brown, and this is Parvati Patil." The brown-haired one says.

"Nice to meet both of you. And yes, I was sorted into-" I try to continue.

"What's your blood status?" Parvati blurts out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hermione glare in her direction. It's common knowledge Hermione is the daughter of two muggles, there being no magical blood in her body whatsoever, or so it might seem. 

"Um, I'm a Half-blood, and please call me Eliza." I look at them again, waiting for one of them to cut me off again. 

"We're both purebloods." I turn to Hermione and roll my eyes. We go back to unpacking. They leave the room, apparently unable to act upon whatever they actually came in here to do. 

"What is with them!?" Hermione furrows her brow, shrugs, and rummages around for something in her trunk. 



That night, when everyone is in bed, including another girl I met a couple of hours ago named Fay, we all desperately try to fall asleep. From the bed next to me, Hermione mutters something. 

"What was that?" I ask her.

"Oh. Did you mean what you said back there? On the train. That Ron's been talking about me all summer?"

"Yeah, why? Does someone have a crush on Ron?!" 

She sits up. "Of course not. I was just wondering." But even in the dark, I can see her cheeks are slightly pink.

From across the room, Lavender shushes us. "I don't know what you're talking about, but would you PLEASE stop talking!" I nestle myself and Oliver under the covers and slowly fall asleep.  

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