The Video Message

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*Sitting in a studio apartment in NYC, Cassidy Scott, a 19-year-old female is at her desk on the computer looking at job openings for engineers. Just as she's scrolling past one titled "Stark Industries", her phone rings. She picks up.*

"Hello?" Cassidy answers, with an intonation of already knowing who it is on the other line.

"Miss Scott. I am so sorry to inform you of the passing of your mother. If you could come in this afternoon to talk and gather her belongings, we would be very appreciative," a male voice says on the other line.

"Thank you, Jim. I will head over as soon as possible," Cassidy replies and hangs up the phone.

Cassidy POV
*Internal thoughts*
"You shouldn't cry. You've mentally prepared yourself for almost a month now. The doctor said last night that it could be any day now." Still, you bite your lip holding back tears. You shake your head and throw your wallet into your bag, stand, and shove your phone into your pocket. After a deep breath you grab your bag, keys, and close the door behind you as you head for the subway.

AirPods are in and you close your eyes for a few seconds. Luckily, the train comes quick and you're at your stop before you know it. You pause across the street from the hospital, check your phone (1pm), and head inside. After getting your visitor badge, you're lead to a small conference room where Jim, the man from the phone, is waiting for you.

"Cassidy; I wish these were better circumstances," Jim says.

You muster a small smile, but it's really more of an emotionless expression, which you've become a pro at making.

"Where do I need to sign?" You ask.

"Before you do, there is a video your mom wanted me to show you when....this time came..." Jim trails off.

"Mom and I talked all the time when I would come visit..." you explain.

"Yes, but there's more..." says Jim while pulling up a clip from his phone. "She asked for my phone to record it on. I'll leave you to watch it. She's already given me instructions and a briefing on it." With that, Jim nods and walks out of the room.

"Mom..." You say before watching the video.

*The video is about 3 minutes long, and by the end of it, you want to cry, but you're more a mix of confused and hurt than anything.*

Jim enters the room once more.
"Your mom wants you to bring a video to a Mr. Tony Stark. I have already set up a meeting with his assistant for an hour from now."

"An HOUR??" You're shocked at the short notice.

"I do apologize, but it was the most convenient. He is quite a busy man," Jim says.

"Fine, it's fine. May I gather her belongings before I leave?" You demand, more than ask.

"Of course. The car and driver will be waiting for you outside." Jim says.

You nod and head to your mothers room.

In the room are only a handful pieces of clothing, a book, pen, and a framed photo of you and her from a vacation to Niagara Falls about 3 years ago before she got sick. You place everything carefully into a duffle bag and head to the car waiting for you.

"Ms. Scott?" The driver asks.

"That's me," you reply, as you get into the open car door.

Once again, you put your AirPods in and sit back, closing your eyes.

Sooner than later the driver taps on your window and announces your arrival. You're in front of an extremely tall building, but you know it's Stark Tower. You thank the driver and head into the lobby.

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