Chapter 16: The Splash

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I didn't stop running until I arrived at my secret alcove. It was at the exit of a hidden tunnel dug into the east side of the palace. It led to the ocean that lay just beyond the hills behind the palace. The alcove overlooked the sea. A single boat was docked at the edge of it where water lapped up against the stone shore.

This alcove was here in case the sultan needed to make a quick escape. I had discovered this place nearly five years ago on the second worst night of my life...


It was the eve of Jasmine's 11th birthday. Something woke me up in the middle of the night. My eyes flew open and I found that my head was covered in some sort of sack. I was instantly lucid. I shouted and struggled, but my mouth had been stuffed and my body was bound in heavy chains. They rattled as I moved.

Somewhere above me, a man grunted. Another man shushed him. The men were carrying me. I was being kidnapped.

My mind quickly started formulating plans and negotiation strategies. I willed myself to relax. I was a prince of Mujulaain. I would be calm. I'd been in worse situations before. I would escape or talk my way out. It would be fine.

Suddenly I was thrust forward and I began falling through the air. At first, I thought they were just throwing me onto the ground but I kept falling and falling. I could feel the air rushing past me. Just when I thought it would never end, there was a splash.

Seawater entered the sack. That's when I finally began to panic. I kicked and wiggled as I sank down deeper and deeper. It was hopeless, I realized. I was going to die.

But I couldn't die. Jasmine needed me. I couldn't abandon that little girl. I couldn't let her rule the kingdom alone.

When I hit the ocean floor, I began to pray. There was a legend in my kingdom about Durga the Mother Goddess, and the blue amulet I wore around my neck. It was an amulet of protection. As I was tied up and drowning, I figured it was my only hope.

I prayed with all my might. If there was any truth to that story, to my gods. I needed their help now.

I thought I saw a blue light and suddenly the chains fell from my body, but I didn't have time to marvel at the miracle. I began swimming, thankful that Kadam had taught me how. I was clumsy and it felt like I was barely moving but I kept at it. I refused to give up.

After what felt like hours, I broke the surface and I breathed in the cool night air. The cloth in my mouth was gone and I could see. At some point, it and the sack must have fallen away.

I treaded water and looked around. The ocean stretched out to the east and high above me, I could see the cliffs where they must have dumped me. There was no one there now.

I looked away and began searching for nearby land. I spotted the alcove with its boat and swam to it. Then I climbed onto its shore, breathing heavily.

I felt strange and disoriented. Something was very wrong, but my adrenaline-filled head couldn't focus on what it was.

Then I saw the tunnel and its staircase leading upward. All else was forgotten. I realized what this alcove was and I guessed where the stone stairs would go. Each step looked unusually huge, but I wasn't daunted.

I had to get to the princess. I had to make sure that I had been the only one thrown over the edge. I headed towards the steps. I couldn't walk. Every time I tried, I fell. I decided that I had probably been drugged.

I made do with crawling on all fours. I focused my gaze upward as I climbed the massive steps. When I made it to the top, I nudged the trap door open and collapsed onto the floor of the throne room.

I had tried to keep going after that but I was exhausted. I crawled another meter before I passed out.

I didn't figure out what had happened until later, but that was the night I turned into a tiger cub. I'd been a tiger ever since.


Tonight, I stared out at the same ocean that had almost killed me. Sometimes I wondered if it should have. I had almost bitten off the princess's hand today. I was supposed to protect her and I had done that.

But she had broken our promise. She had engaged herself to another man, an inferior man that she actually thought she was in love with.


So, he'd taken her on a few carpet rides, given her some gifts, and wasn't a complete jerk. Was that all it took to win Jasmine's heart: A human face and three weeks of courtship?

It wasn't fair. I had been human once. I could have been the one. I should have been the one, not Prince Ali who kept Jasmine out late, told unbelievable stories, and had a sinister smile.

I wished for the hundredth time that I wasn't a tiger. I squeezed my eyes shut and I prayed to Durga, Damon, Vishnu, and any other god I could think of.

Nothing happened. It was the same as it had always been. The gods had helped me once. They saw no need to help me again. Instead of a flash of light or a heavenly voice, I heard a heavy splash in the distance.

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