Chapter 1...

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Emily's POV...

The man at reception instantly puts me at ease as he cracks a joke about his daughter, he says she spilt coffee all over her boss on the first day and still kept the job - there is hope for me yet.

"Here..." he says handing me a clip-on badge "level 6, straight forward through the glass doors, agent Hotchner's office is on the left, can't miss it."

"Thank you," I send him a smile and try not to notice the sadness behind his upbeat persona. No ring on his finger, but there's a tan line where it used to be. Recently divorced, I think to myself, and he was probably reluctant. God, I hate when I do that, I haven't even started and I'm already profiling people. Maybe, this means I'm going to be great at the job, or maybe I've just read David Rossi's books one too many times.

I've never had a need to go to the 6th floor, but as the elevator doors open I realise it looks just the same as the others, except it seems much quieter. I tap my fingers against the box in my hands, and I hear the noise faintly bounce off the empty hallway around me.

Of course, I'm nervous, it's only natural. I've spent my whole life in my mother's shadow, always doing exactly what she wants me to do - going to the college of her choice, joining the clubs she wanted me to, even joining the FBI. Now I'm finally doing something I want to do, and something that my mother hasn't already done. I can only hope Agent Hotchner can see past my last name and realise I can be an asset to the team.

I push open the glass doors with my hip and look around, nobody looks up at me. They all seem to be working on paperwork, getting a coffee machine to actually make coffee or getting a little too up close and personal with a short blonde woman - wearing crazy pink glasses - as one guy demonstrates in the kitchen area.

I climb the stairs to the door that reads 'Aaron Hotchner' and re-adjust my box to knock.

"Come in," A monotone voice calls from inside and I take a deep breath. This is it.

Getting his office door open with a big box in my hands was harder than I thought it would be.

"Hi," I say as I stumble into the room, trying to hide my embarrassment with a laugh. "Agent Hotchner?"

"Yes," he says standing up, he looks at me confused but I really can't tell what he's thinking from his face. I put my box down on one of his chairs before reaching out a hand, I pray they're not clammy from the nerves.

"I'm Agent Emily Prentiss," I try to keep a smile on my face as his confused eyes stay fixed on me. It's as if he doesn't know why I'm here - Oh God, it is Tuesday isn't it?

"How do you do?" He asks shaking my hand, I go to answer but he suddenly exclaims "Oh!" I breathe a subtle sigh of relief, but the feeling doesn't last long.

"You're uhh... Ambassador Prentiss' daughter," he says, suddenly much more comfortable.

Great. Yet again, my mother is the reason people give me the time of day. He says something else but I just smile and nod, the sooner he shows me my desk the better.

The small talk he starts about college and my parents begins to worry me; did he not sign my transfer papers a week ago? I awkwardly laugh about what I've been doing for the past 10 years before the room is plunged into silence.

"What can I do for you?" He asks, the confused look back on his face.

"Well, I...I guess I was hoping you could tell me where to put my stuff," I stutter over the first words, a new wave of anxiety creeping over me.

"I'm sorry?"

"I'm supposed to start here today," I say reaching for my transfer file "at the BAU."

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