"Christmas Eve" Kenhina Part 15

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It's December 24, 2020 2am,  and kenma is still asleep...Then not long after, Kenma wakes up and sees shoyo sitting on the bed and reading a book.

Kenma: Sh-sho?

Hinata: Hmm...yeah?

Kenma: What are you doing?

Hinata: I'm reading a story *closes book and puts book in the book shelf* Why? 

Kenma: Nothing. Just asking

Hinata: Are you hungry?

Kenma: Nope

Hinata: Ok. Anyways what date is it today?

Kenma: wait- I'll go and check on my phone

Hinata: Ok

Kenma: *turns on the phone* uhmm today is december 24, 2020

Hinata: Ok- Wait what!?

Kenma: Christmas eve December 24 2020

Hinata: Oh- I have a lot of things to do today

Kenma: Same.

Hinata: I wonder if tsukishima-

Tsukishima: *opens the motherfucking door really loud and in a hurry* HINATA SHOYO!

Hinata: oh- Here.we.go.now.

Tsukishima: I forgot that its christmas today!

Hinata: Don't worry. Us too

Tsukishima: Oh- Then let's go to the mall together...Yams also forgot.

Hinata: Ok

Kenma: Mhm sure

Tsukishima: Anyhow...can you guys like....uhmm...Not...make...any...earthquakes...especially at night?

Hinata: No can do.

Tsukishima: Heh...fine...whatever..

Hinata: Let's just go shopping!

At the mall...

Kenma: What do you think id the perfect gift for everyone?

Hinata: I don't even know...

Kenma: Hmm....

Hinata: How about let's split up and buy some gifts? We could ask the cashier to wrap the gift.

Tsukishima: Ok

Yamaguchi: Kay!

Kenma: K

Hinata: Lezzgo~!

Hinata goes to gucci then kenma goes to louis vuitton Tsukishima goes to the most expensive gaming store while yamaguchi goes to Victoria's secret and Chanel. all 4 of them buys gift for their friends....they also bought foods and then they hangout with their friends and they sing together and eat...and they all bonded together...

Please wait for the part 16 "Christmas Day" thank you!

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