"Rich Kid but not Playboy & Prank gone wrong" Kenhina part 9 and 10

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After hinata, Kenma, and tsukishima arrived at hinata's so called house...Tsukishima began to ask such nonsense things. But hinata was really glad to tell tsukishima the truth. Only him and his family and friends' family knows about his richness and his real personality...Except his other friends...Like suga and the others. Anyways Hinata gave tsukishima a room for two...Tsukishima didn't understand why hinata gave him room for two room but he just stay there. Everyday, they would always stay there. Kenma and hinata began to get more and more closer to each other...Then one day, something bad happened that almost caused a break up between hinata and kenma...

At karasuno's practice gym...

Kageyama: So hinata~

Hinata: Yeah?

Kageyama: Do you really like kenma?

Kenma: *hears them talking and can hear what they're saying*

Hinata: No.

Kenma: *peeks*

Kageyama: Then why date him?

Hinata: Cuz I love him

Kageyama: Oh ok...then- *sees kenma sneaking*

Hinata: then...

Kageyama: *Kisses hinata*

Hinata: *shocked but breaks the kiss*

Hinata: Kageyama!? What the fuck!

Kenma: *sees everything but he wanted to prank hinata so...he pretended that he didn't see that kageyama was the first one to kiss him*

Kenma: Sho? What- *fake crying*

Kenma in mind: Oh fuck! he'll kill me later...or he will fuck mehh!! Oh shi- sorry babe*

Hinata: Wait- Kenma-

Kenma: I...I thought you wouldn't cheat on me!

Hinata: I didn't...I swear!

Kenma: You promised me that you wouldn't- *left crying because he'll get fucked up after the prank*

Hinata: *runs after kenma* Babe! Wait-!

Kenma: What? 

Hinata: Look...I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Kenma's mind: yup..I totally fucked up-

Hinata: Sorry...Forgive me...

Kenma: I- just need some space...

Hinata: o-ok *hinata wanted to cry but he just kept his tears inside him*

After all the dramas hehe...

Kageyama: Hinata? What happened? Are you okay?

Hinata: You just ruined my relationship with-

Kageyama: Hinata?

Hinata: I don't feel-

Tsukishima: *rans up to hinata and catches him*

Kageyama: Should we go to the hospital?

Tsukishima: He just needs to rest and don't ever bother my cousin. He doesn't deserve another problem like you! Dumbass!

Kageyama: Cous-

Tsukishima: *carries hinata to their limo and goes to the mansion*

If y'all are wondering how did tsukishima know that hinata is there....

Yamaguchi: Tsukki! Let's practice today!

Tsukishima: Ok

At the gym

Tsukishima: *Saw kenma and hinata talking/Fighting*

Yamaguchi: Are they fighting?

Tsukishima: Yep- that's normal anyways-

Yamaguchi: Oh-

Tsukishima: Let's go to my classroom first. I just need to put something to my teacher's desk.

after putting some report to tsukishima's teacher's desk...

Yamaguchi: *gets a text from his mom* hey tsukki...

Tsukishima: Yeah?

Yamaguchi: I gotta go..my mom texted me to come home now.

Tsukishima: Ok...Be careful

Tsukishima saw hinata walking wobbly...he tries to approach hinata...but then he saw Kageyama...He heard what they were saying...Then suddenly remembers what happened to kenma and hinata...

Present time: At hinata's house (hinata is sleeping)

Tsukishima: Tch...What a problematic smart and rich kid ass...

Hinata's mind: (all he see is black) where am I!? Help! Is someone there!? (suddenly sees a guy who looks exactly like him...but without emotions)

No emotion Hinata: You're hurt because of that kageyama right?

Hinata: Yeah *sad tone*

No emotion Hinata: I can help you

Hinata: How

No Emotion Hinata: I can make you feel like you don't have any problems...You will never feel sadness, depressions and other sad stuffs...

Hinata: But what if i want to go back to myself again?

No Emotion Hinata: That's easy! Just tell me if you don't want to be the emotionless hinata shoyo.

Welp...Tsukishima texted kenma about what happened Then Kenma arrived after that...

Kenma: Hinata?

Hinata: *opens eyes*

Kenma and Tsukishima: *shocked*

Cliffhanger! hehe Bye bye! See yuhh on next part
Me: Is that even considered as a cliffhanger? lol! See you all on the next part of this story!

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