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I was lonely. The Cullens left the day after they packed, Edward ending things with Bella. I was back in Seattle by the time they had left Forks. There was still no word from them, but it was still early. It had only been a week so far.

I was trying to ignore the aching feeling in my chest, but my mind kept wandering to the people who had become my second family. I could only imagine the pain that Bella was feeling. She was probably beating herself up over a stupid papercut that she couldn't even control. If Edward hadn't made me swear not to visit her I would have been there in an instant. She probably needed a friend and all I could do now is hope that she had some to be there for her.

Nevertheless, even if I was allowed to visit her I had no time with all my schoolwork. I was once again taking 5 classes this semester: Dance Production, Pilates, Modern Dance, a Movement Lab, and Psychology. I only had my upper level classes left as most of my credits transferred from high school since I was in dual credit classes, so even though I was technically a sophomore, I was almost done with my junior year. After this semester I would only have to complete 2 more to graduate.

Currently, I was sitting next to Skylar in Psych. We had registered for classes together over the phone and planned to take all of our classes together this semester. Sky, coincidentally, also had a bunch of credits from high school and was also a junior by hours. Our friendship had gotten even stronger with all the shared time together and it was nice to have someone to spend the days with since the nights were dreadfully long and boring.

"Hey, do you know what's happening," Skylar whispered, leaning over.

I laughed softly. "Not a clue. I'm planning on just reading the textbook later," I whispered back.

Skylar hummed in agreement. "Good idea."

We both returned to listening to our professor, her words going in one ear and out the other. The time passed quickly and Skylar spoke up again as we were packing our bags to leave; Psych was our last class of the day. Although Sky was now living in the same apartments as me, she was on a different floor and once we got back we would be parting ways on the elevator.

"So have you heard from your friends yet?"

"Who?" I asked in confusion.

"The Cullens."

We eyes widened in understanding. I wasn't expecting her to bring them up, but I had mentioned their moving. "Oh, no not yet."

I paused before speaking again. "But Edward did break up with his girlfriend before they left," I mumbled.

"Wait, seriously?! Wasn't he like...head over heels in love with her?" Sky responded, flabbergasted.

We began walking out of the lecture hall and toward our apartment complex, our belongings safely in our backpacks.

"Yeah something like that."

"Ugh! Of course it's when he moves and not when he's still around for you to have a chance!"

I shook my head in amusement. "Tell me about it," I replied, half joking.

"Is there any chance at all that they'll come back?"

"I'm not too sure. It was really sudden, something with their dad's job. I think there is but I'm not 100% certain."

"I'm gonna manifest it for you," Skylar stated. I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not, but I wasn't going to question it.

I nodded, pretending not to be skeptical at all. "Oh yeah, thanks. That'll totally work." I spoke with a straight face.

"You're the worst! The universe will listen to me," Skylar laughed, understanding my sarcasm.

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