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Everyone was restless the entire flight to Phoenix. Not only would we have to confront James which would end in only one possible way, but we would also have to battle the elements. I hadn't been anywhere sunny since I was turned, so this would be a learning experience for me as well. Just like my old dance instructor would say I guess, "No way to learn something better than going headfirst toward your challenge." Of course this had been in a completely different context, but transitive property I suppose.

The plane landed and we rushed to the door at the front of the plane. I felt rude forcing myself to the front, but we were in the middle of an emergency. We found Jasper and Alice, but there was something wrong. Bella was missing. 

Edward noticed before any of us did, he read Alice's mind. Emmett practically had to drag him to where Alice and Jasper were waiting, not wanting to alert the security guard nearby with his strange behavior.

Edward and Alice were arguing quietly, Alice explaining the reason they didn't go after Bella: the only outcome where she lived was the one with all of us present. I mean at least we know where Bella is, Alice had already taken it upon herself to look that far into things and had seen almost every possible outcome and how to get there.

We made our way toward the parking garage, Edward settling on a bright purple car that would be very fast, seeing as the owner designed everything for racing. Edward got in the driver's seat, Carlisle in the passenger. Alice was in the back along with me, Emmett and Jasper. Alice was in her head the entire time, flitting through her visions so that she could get us there with the fastest route possible. To say that being in a car with Edward driving is scary would be an understatement. Sure, his girlfriend's life was on the line, but he was literally going to kill us. He was driving insanely fast, weaving through traffic and breaking every traffic law there was. I know I couldn't be killed this way, but I still felt like my life was in danger with how reckless he was being. 

Alice had the middle seat so that she could see the road and contemplate our choices while I got stuck sitting on Emmett's lap. There was nothing romantic about it, he had Rosalie, but I was thankful for his heavy arm keeping me from flying through the window. I was gripping the seat in front of me, Edward's, and was holding on for dear life as we made absurd turns and lane changes, slightly sorry to the people's whose days we had just ruined. 

"We're changing cars under the next overpass." Edward told us so that we would be ready and wouldn't waste any time.

Half a mile later we were clambering out of the race car and into an SUV, a Porsche Cayenne Turbo. This time I had my own seat, but Edward was still speeding to the ballet studio that Bella was being held. I was right about the room Alice had seen in her vision before, I would hope that I would be able to recognize a ballet studio seeing as I've spent more than half my life in one.

Suddenly, I could feel the car start to slow, we were approaching the studio and they didn't want to alert James to our presence. 

"Jasper, you cut around the building and come through the front. The rest of us go through the back. Carlisle, get ready," Alice instructed so quietly and quickly that no human would have been able to hear.

Carlisle readied his medical bag and I began to sit more toward the edge of the seat so I could exit the car quickly. Emmett opened the door and I jumped out behind him, leaving the door slightly open so that the tracker wouldn't hear the sound of it closing.

Edward shattered the door and I saw the man we had been hunting across the country. His head snapped up from Bella. There was blood everywhere and I could see that it was bothering the others, excluding Carlisle. I pushed down the burning in my throat until it dissipated and I ran to where the others were fighting James. Alice, Carlisle and Edward were taking care of Bella, they didn't need my help, but Emmett and Jasper did. 

metanoia《twilight oc》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن