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 The end of the semester came quickly, and soon my family would be coming to town. I spent most of my days in Forks with the Cullens and Bella. They had also finished their school year at Forks High and Bella was still recovering from her injuries. I would not be going back to Texas, like normal college students would be. I had to come up with an excuse for them, Texas summers would be far too sunny for my new state. I would be exposed right away, there was no hiding from that sun. 

Thankfully my parents trusted me enough to not dig further when I said that I had an opportunity to take a summer class that I was really interested in. This also meant that I would not have to move out of my apartment for the summer. Of course, I would get a month break before summer classes started, but they were coming to visit during that month. I was excited, don't get me wrong, but I was scared that they would notice something off. Maybe it would be my lack of freckles, or the paleness of my skin. Perhaps it would be the small difference in my eyes because of the colored contacts that would never match my old ones the exact same, or even my avoidance of the sun that I once loved. I could always use makeup, but I don't think it could ever match up perfectly.

I was scared to be honest. I couldn't risk their safety if they found out my secret, but I couldn't lose them by faking my death. They were too important to me; not only would that break me, but them as well. Surprisingly, I have been confiding in Emmett. He may not be the most serious person at all times, but he told me about when he was turned. Emmett was worried about what his family would do without him: he provided a majority of his family's income. However, Edward gave Emmett a small fortune that he was able to leave on his family's doorstep. Emmett said he was able to let go slowly over time, especially knowing that they would have the financials to live comfortably. Emmett's easygoing nature made him easy to talk to, I was glad that he would loan me his ear from time to time, it really eased my nerves a bit.

I know eventually I will have to leave my family behind, and I was grateful to my new one, don't get me wrong, but there was a certain bond that you can have with only those of your own blood. They would start asking questions soon: why I wasn't coming home, why I didn't eat anymore (although I could technically eat for show), why my mannerisms had changed. Personally, I was close with my family and was certain it was only a matter of time until they sensed something was wrong. 

My family would be arriving in a few days and I was nervous to say the least. What would happen if they found out? Would they be in danger? Would I have to disappear? What if they disowned me? What would the Cullens do? Would they hate me for being so careless? 

I was currently lounging on the couch in the Cullens house, watching my favorite movie on the TV, Coraline. However, it was hard to focus on the movie with my intrusive thoughts at the forefront of my mind. Everyone was out hunting, apart from Edward who was going to Bella's house later today and Rosalie who was working on her car in the garage.

I heard Edward get up from his room and walk downstairs, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nobody is going to hate you, Arden," Edward spoke softly, making his way to sit on the couch across from me.

"No fair reading my mind," I replied, glaring.

"Sorry, I try not to, but they were pretty loud just now. You don't have to worry, you know.'

"I can't help it, I can't lose them," sadness evident in my voice as the thoughts came back.

"We'll all be here to help you figure it out, every step of the way. Also, none of us could ever hate you, you're one of us now. Trust me," he reassured, meeting my eyes as he spoke his last words.

I smiled softly, "okay."

Edward stood up to go back to his room.

"Edward?" I spoke up, stopping him in his tracks.

He hummed in question turning back around, not moving from where he was standing..

"Thank you."

This time he smiled back at me. "Always."


My family was arriving today. I was back in my apartment on campus, temporarily until they arrived. They were flying into the Seattle airport, then renting a car and meeting me as I didn't have a car myself. It was around noon, their flight was around 7 AM, so they would be here soon. Once they landed they would have to retrieve their luggage, then pick up their rental from the airport's car service.

We had decided to do a roadtrip around the Pacific Northwest and go to a bunch of national parks. My parents, especially my dad, are particularly excited about this. However, Amber and I were excited for the pretty scenery and photos we would get. I was also excited to see Hayden, I haven't seen him in quite a while, we text often and call each other, but it's not the same as being in person. The Green children are going to be reunited to wreak havoc.

Time passed quickly waiting for my mom to call me, telling me that they had arrived. I finished cleaning up little things that she would surely bicker with me about, and now my apartment was spotless. I heard a knock at my door and a wide grin was plastered across my face.

I opened the door and arms were wrapped around me. "ARDEN BUG, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I MISSED YOU!" 

"Hey, bubs," I mumbled now that my face was squished against her shoulder. We shuffled to the middle of the living room, still attached, while everyone else put their bags down near the entrance. 

Amber released me and we were smiling brightly at each other. 

"Hey, bug," my dad ruffled my hair, pulling me in for a hug as well.

" Hi pops, how was the plane ride?"

"Well, I was going to try to sleep, but your mother started with her snoring, honestly so obnoxious..." he was cut off by my mom smacking his shoulder.

"Chris, if you don't shut up, I did not snore!"

"Sure, mom, whatever you say," Hayden butted in.

"You're sleeping on the sofa bed," my mom said sternly pointing at Hayden.

Amber and I stuck our tongues out at Hayden's misfortune. "Mom! that's not even fair! Dad started it," he groaned.

"And you finished it," she said a small smile peeking out at the corner of her lips.

"Hi, my baby," my mom said, finally pulling me in for a hug, kissing my forehead.

"Hi, momma," I replied, giving her a soft squeeze, careful not to use my strength.

"Arden, you're freezing!"

"Mom, look at where we are, I think we're ALL freezing," Amber rolled her eyes.

"I feel like you're forgetting someone's blood can't even work right," Hayden smirked at me, finally pulling me in for a half hug.

"It's not my fault that I'm anemic! I just got the unfortunate genes." I retorted, poking his side and making him jump in surprise. Hayden was about to argue back, but my dad cut us off.

"Alright, alright, I think that's enough." 

"Mhmm, says the man who gave me these genes." I argued.

"Hey, that's your grandmother, not me," he shot back.

"Okay, settle down, I swear, Chris, you're like a child," my mom said ending the argument. 

It honestly wasn't a real argument, just a long running joke. Out of the 3 children, I was given the misfortune of having anemia. It wasn't a big deal, I just was always cold and tired easily, with the occasional loss of consciousness. Thankfully, that was no longer an issue for me. As a human, I just had to make sure that I ate regularly, especially foods high in iron. It really didn't even impact my life, I didn't even find out until I was around 16, but my siblings liked to joke about it.

"Yet you still married me, Lila," my dad winked at my mom.

Hayden, Amber and I groaned. We pretended to be disgusted at any displays of affection, most of the time we were, but I know we were all smiling internally at their cute relationship. This was going to be an interesting month and I couldn't wait.

metanoia《twilight oc》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora