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Coincidentally, the first place my mom wanted to visit after exploring Seattle was La Push. Partly because of our close proximity, but also because it showed up at the top of the list of places to visit in the Pacific Northwest when she googled it. I knew how close it was to Forks and had heard about the beaches a couple times. I was excited to see it for myself. I was never much of a surfer, but I was looking forward to the chance of seeing some whales.

I was currently in the backseat of the small car my parents had rented, looking out the window, Amber in the middle and Hayden on the left of her. My dad was driving, my mom acting as a copilot even though we had a GPS to tell us where to go. The Cullens knew that I was with my family, but I hadn't told them yet that we were going to be so close by. I was planning on texting them when we got to La Push, we would be there for a day and we're going to spend the night at a hotel in Forks. Hopefully I would get to introduce them to my family the day after, I know that they had mentioned wanting to meet them before. Alice had probably already seen it coming already anyway.

"Punch buggy red!" Amber exclaimed, turning to punch Hayden's arm.

"Ow, what the hell!" Hayden shouted angrily. I held in a chuckle, not wanting to be pulled into the fight too.

"Not my fault you're not observant enough," Amber teased, sticking her tongue out.

Hayden rolled his eyes, "just you wait-"

"No punch backs!" Amber yelled, cutting him off mid-sentence.

My eyes widened, I knew I was going to be the next victim if Hayden couldn't punch Amber. It's a good thing I'm not sitting next to him. I was also worried that he could hurt himself if he tried with how hard my skin was now. My new goal for the day was to avoid standing next to Hayden, while hoping that he forgets quickly.

The endless trees zoomed past us as I turned back to the window and soon enough I spotted the sign signaling that we were about to enter La Push. I took this as a sign to begin annoying my mother.

"Mooooommmmmm, are we there yet?"

"Arden, we're literally here, shut up."

I laughed as Amber grinned at me, "good one." We turned to look at Hayden and a mischievous looks smeared across his face.

"Mooooommmmm, I'm hungry," Hayden groaned.

"Moooommmm, I have to pee, like really badly," Amber joined in, reaching forward to poke her arm.

I met eyes with my dad in the rearview mirror who was trying to hold in a laugh himself.

"Can you demons wait just 10 more minutes? Oh my god, y'all are getting on my last nerve." Our mom snapped, finally done with the three of us harrassing her.

Just as my mom predicted, we were able to find a small diner near the beach to get something to eat and Amber was able to relieve her bladder. I ate my food, knowing I would have to secretly cough it up later as my digestive system no longer processed human food. I would have to go hunting soon, but I didn't know when I would be able to sneak off. Perhaps I could one night when they were all sleeping, I had only hunted a couple days ago, the night before they arrived, but I didn't want to take any chances. I could control myself, but I didn't want to test my limits, just in case something bad happens. I could never live with myself if it did.

After everyone was finished eating we piled back into the car to endure a short 5 minute drive to a parking lot right next to the beach. When we got out of the car there were not many people around. I could spot a small group of teenagers kicking a soccer ball around near the water, but that was it. There were only 3 of them, they seemed to be native and taking into account that we were on a reservation, I could assume that my guess was correct.

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