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I was back on campus and I had about 1 hour until my first class. Esme and I got to my apartment late in the night and we were now going over how to play human. Move my shoulders to look like I was breathing, fidget around, slouch a little, don't move too fast, be careful when handling different objects with my new strength, etc. I even had my colored contacts in now, I was used to the feeling from having to wear contacts as a human, but with my now perfect vision it was strange. Esme mentioned holding my breath could help with the thirst, but I don't think I would have to with my ability to control myself.

Soon enough it was time to leave and I hugged Esme goodbye, thankful for everything she was doing for me. My class was only about a 10 minute walk from my apartment. I popped my earbuds into my ears, turning the volume down from my usual loud setting to one that my sensitive ears wouldn't get overwhelmed with. I tried to walk at the sams pace as everyone around me, slow, but with a little speed as they were rushing to get to where they needed to be.

I only had 2 classes today, which was good so that I could test the waters with my limits. I had math first, an easy class with material I had learned in high school, and after I had ballet. Ballet was a fairly long class, it was 3 hours and considered a lab. I was excited anyway, dance was a way that I could destress and let go of my worries. I couldn't wait.

My math class dragged on, it was only an hour long, but felt never ending. Maybe because it was material I had already learned. It was probably because the answers to these questions seemed so obvious to me, but not to my classmates who knew nothing of the subject. When the lecture finally ended, I rushed (at a human pace) to my apartment to grab my duffel bag with my necessities for class. Esme gretted me upon my return and asked how my class was.

"Boring, it was just math but I'm excited for my next one! I have ballet and it feels like I haven't danced in forever."

She seemed pleased with my answer. "I hope I get to see you dance soon."

"Of course! When we have our end of semester show, I'll get all of you tickets to come watch" I smiled brightly.

"That sounds so nice, thank you! It gets a bit dull sometimes back at home. The others don't participate in any activities, so we never have anywhere to go" she chuckled.

"I'll be sure to let you know whenever there's a performance or show."

"Thank you, Arden. But don't let me hold you back! I know you've got to get to class, we don't want you to be late."

I laughed, "Thanks, I'll be back around 2 or so."

"Sounds good with me."

I hurried into the bedroom to change into my leotard and tights, pulling some sweats and a jacket over top. I then pinned my hair into a low bun and waved goodbye at Esme on my way out the door.

It took around 15 minutes to get to the physical education building and I walked in with a smile. It was refreshing to get back into my normal routine, especially a routine that brought me so much joy.

When my friends came to hug me I tried to avoid touching their skin with my now ice cold hands. They didn't notice which was good for me, but they did notice my slight change in skin tone.

"Arden, are you sure you're alright? You're looking a little pale." Skylar questioned.

"Yeah, I'm sure, it's probably just a mix of the lack of sun I've had staying in my room for the past 2 weeks and lack of appetite."

"If you're sure..." she responded hesitantly.

"I am! I just have a bad immune system, so when I get sick it hits me pretty hard." This was partially true. I did have a weak immune system in my past life, I would get sick easily. Now; however, I couldn't get sick.

Soon enough our professor came in and we all rushed from our various stretches on the ground to the barre. As we went through our exercises, my mind wandered to the dull ache in my throat. Realizing what I was doing, I quickly put the thought aside and focused harder on what I was doing. After barre we moved to floor exercises and then to the choreography we were learning. The 3 hours passed without me even realizing and it was eventually time to leave.

Class had gone well and I was able to keep up, thanks to Skylar's videos. I would have to do something nice for her to thank her for her help. I waved goodbye to my classmates and I left the studio. Thankfully, they had not noticed my lack of sweat, but it was difficult to break one even as a human with the large fans in the room accompanied by the AC system.

I returned to my apartment, finding Esme where I left her, working on blueprints for probably another house design for the future. She greeted me again and we had a conversation similar to the one from earlier, until she asked about the whole reason she was here.

"How was the thirst? Did it bother you?"

"There was a moment when I let my mind wonder and then I noticed it, but I quickly focused on what I was doing instead and it went away."

She gave me a curious look and nodded in approval.

"I'll let Carlisle know. He will probably want me to stay a bit longer, considering, but I think I'm fine to leave you. Honestly, it's just going to get easier for you, not harder, so I think you're good."

"That's good to hear, I hate taking you away from them, I know you love them a lot."

"You're a part of our family now too, Arden. We may not know you that well yet, but we do love you," Esme spoke before embracing me.

I welcomed the hug and sighed in relief.

"Thank you," I mumbled into her shoulder.

The rest of the night we stayed up talking. I worked on my homework which I finished quickly, and Esme told me stories from her past. It was fascinating. I shared my own occasionally which I could tell she appreciated greatly. Esme never pried or made me tell her anything I was uncomfortable with, her motherly nature making me truly comfortable with her.

This process of going to class continued over the next week. I'd go and then come back and spend time with Esme. Only 2 of the 5 days we were there she left while I was away at class, but she was always back by the end of my day. By the end of the week Esme had convinced Carlisle that I was fine on my own and she returned to Forks. I decided I would go visit on weekends, if my schedule allowed it, and during our next break.

I could see now that this might really work out for me, and I was content.

metanoia《twilight oc》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora