cat and mouse

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When the trio of nomads arrived everyone's guards went up. It was unnerving, their wild appearance. They were barefoot, clothes a mess as well as their hair. There were two men and a woman. The man that seemed to lead the coven had jet black hair and olive skin, he was trailed by the woman who had wild, bright red hair that seemed as if it was on fire. There were some leaves and twigs stuck in her hair, but she didn't seem to care. The second man stood behind the two, seeming to be evaluating the situation and taking in our appearances. He had light brown, almost blond, hair that was tied back in a ponytail. By far he scared me the most, there was something about him that screamed threat.

It took everything in me not to just run at the sight of them. Sure, I had enhanced abilities now too, but I had never met anyone like them. They seemed ruthless, something I was not used to. I had only experienced vampires like the Cullens: kind, welcoming, benevolent. Laurent, Victoria and James, as I had come to know were their names now, were anything but.

I kept silent as Carlisle introduced us, grouping us all together so that he wouldn't single any of us out. We didn't need any of them focusing on any one of us individually, it was for out protection. As their conversation continued, Carlisle ended up inviting them back to the house when Laurent questioned our permanent residency. This was his way of splitting us up, giving Bella a chance to get away. It would have worked too, if it weren't for the goddamn wind.

When a light breeze passed, Bella's hair was ruffled, her scent wafting into out noses. This is when everything went batshit crazy.

James came forward, getting into a crouching position and snarling as if he were going to pounce at any second. Instinctively, we all pushed Bella behind us, crouching as well, ours defensive.

"What's this!" Laurent said, his French accent coming through in his words.

"She's with us." Carlisle said firmly, not breaking from his protective stance at the front of his clan.

"You brought a snack?" Laurent replied. I could hear the disbelief in his voice, he was probably trying to figure out why we would protect a human so fiercely. Had they forgotten that they too were human once?

"I said she's with us." Carlisle repeated; I had never seen him like this. He was so unforgiving and assertive, I was used to his calm and kind composure.

Their conversation continued, sentences only a couple words. There was real tension and you could feel it. Carlisle was able to talk them down, to some extent, convincing them to go back to the house like we had previously planned. However, I could see in James' eyes that going peacefully was not his intention. You could probably say the same for the redhead, who seemed to follow his every move. We broke off into groups, I went straight to the house with Jasper, Rosalie, Esme, and Carlisle, while Edward, Bella, Alice and Emmett went in the Jeep.

As I was running, the wind whipping through my hair, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. I was certain Edward wouldn't allow Bella to stay in town. He was so protective with just his family meeting her, but now this? He would probably take her to a different continent. Bella would never let him though. She was too stubborn and would never leave her father here alone. I know I would do the same in her place. I looked around at the other around me, noticing that like I had predicted, James and Victoria were gone.

This could only mean one thing, they were going after Bella. We got back to the house quickly and Laurent began telling us about James. James was the true leader of their clan, he was a tracker and would stop at nothing until he got his prize: Bella. Victoria would help him, they were mates and she would go with him through anything. James was vicious and could not be talked down. This would mean a fight.

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