prologue: rebirth

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I don't remember much of the events that preceeded my death. I think I can recall the eerie feeling of being followed, clutching my car keys in my hand to use as a weapon if I needed to. Then, it happened, a typical college campus assault. Leave it to me to be the unlucky soul this would happen to, but rather me than anyone else I suppose. It was hard to remember exactly what happened, what he did to me, but I remember struggling against my attacker's strong grip as he tried to silence my cries. After that it's all a blur.

Alice was the one who found me, saving me from him and rushing me to Carlisle. I was inches from death, nevertheless, Carlisle saved me, being the saint he is. Jasper says that Alice saw me in their future and knew she had to save me. I'm not sure what that is yet, she won't tell me. Anytime I ask her about it she leave me with the same vague message,

"In time you'll see why, it's too early to tell you now. If you know the future might change."

My transformation was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. The venom coursing through my veins and changing me into something not human. The change took 3 days and when I opened my eyes I was no longer the fragile Arden Green, I was now Arden Cullen.

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