post mortem

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In my first few days of my new life I was taught the basics of being a vampire. The Cullens welcomed me with open arms. I knew they all knew what had happened to me and I noticed their pitying glances. I didn't speak much in my first few days, I mean could you blame me? I was surrounded by a bunch of strangers after experiencing a traumatizing event and dying from it, but not dying at the same time. It was a lot for me to take in.

Carlisle and Esme explained to me what I was and what had happened. Rosalie was always close by as well, keeping an eye on me, as if I would break at any given moment. I guess it's a good thing I'm bulletproof now, huh. I think Rosalie saw herself in me. She told me about the circumstances of her transformation and the similarities were chilling. She probably pitied me, she had time to heal from her experience, going as far as getting her own revenge. But, me? Alice told me not to worry about my attacker, that it had been taken care of. I was just left with countless questions now, probably why Rose was so nice to me. She understood.

Emmett would try and make conversation as well as Alice. They were both energetic and carefree in nature. Jasper kept his distance, my emotions were probably hard on him. I didn't know exactly what I felt as I was still processing, but it couldn't have been comfortable for him. I understand, hopefully I'll get to properly meet him soon.

Finally, there was Edward. He was enamored with a human girl according to Rosalie, her disdain for the girl showing in the way she spoke of her. I had only seen him a couple times, speaking to him maybe two or three times, one of those times was when I found out about his gifts, I asked him if he saw what Alice did, the reason she changed me. Nevertheless, even Edward didn't know, Alice has been blocking him out, something about her singing non-stop so that he couldnt find out.

I can remember my human life quite well, I would hope so considering I had only been a vampire for about a week now. I was a student at Seattle University, a freshman. I was 18, the age that I'm frozen at now. I had an older brother and a younger sister, I was close with both of them. I still had my phone and texted them as well as our parents. I lived on campus in a single, so I didn't have to worry about a roommate that would notice my absence. I emailed my professors as well, asking if I could submit everything online as I was out with "the flu". Of course they agreed, not wanting me to spread my illness to their other students.

I was trying to convince my new family to let me go back to school. My thirst was under control, and I could wear contacts to hide my now crimson eyes. They didn't trust me yet, I would have to prove myself to them first. Jasper had noted that for a newborn I was quite tame and he couldn't sense an unquenchable thirst in my emotions. Carlisle has a theory that my control was the trait I had carried over into my immortal life.

I had been a dancer my entire life, mainly classical, but I dabbled in more modern genres such as contemporary and hip hop. I was even a dance major in college. When I told them this Carlisle made the connection. Dance required total control of the body, as well as the mind. Every detail had to be perfect at all times, it was an art and a sport which is why I loved it so much. When Esme heard she was excited and claimed I had to dance for them sometime. They were unsure if I had a real power yet, but Alice had the idea to take me to Eleazar in Denali to find out. When they were sure I could travel without hurting innocents, of course.

So far I had resisted human blood though, I could hear a car passing through the road outside the Cullen house. The sweet smell of whoever was inside the car filled my nostrils, but I was able to maintain control. I wasn't suddenly in a frenzy, despite the panicked glances that were thrown my way, but instead I calmly exhaled and continued to practice picking up objects without my new super strength.

Normally, the Cullens would fake a death if there was a new member of their coven. But considering my family lived across the country, they let it slide this time. The real problem would arise in a few months time, when I had to go home for my summer vacation. Home was in Texas, like Jasper which is another reason I think we could get along. I was born and raised in Houston, same for my siblings. My brother is 22 and my sister is 16, still in high school back home. I loved my family, which is why I needed to prove to them that for now at least, I could pretend like a never died and save my real family the heartbreak.

When I looked in the mirror I saw myself, but a different version of her. This version lacked the constant littering of bruises across her legs from whatever accident she had that week in her dance classes. This version was slightly paler than the one I knew and the flush of life in her cheeks was gone. This version stood straighter, despite the old me's already excellent posture. Even my hair was different. What was once damaged from heat and at home dye jobs was now healthy and luscious, void of any noticeable damage. As a human I had hazel, almost green, eyes, I missed them because they were probably my favorite feature. This is what I would have to get used to.

My new features would be easy enough to hide with a little makeup, colored contacts, and instruction from Rosalie about my posture and mannerisms. It would be easy to brush off my new, paler, skin as a lack of sunlight from where I had been living instead of constantly sunny Texas. Sure, eventually I would have to fake my death or go missing when people noticed I had stopped aging, but I have always been told that I have a baby face. Maybe this would give me a couple more years. And I could always try and make myself look more mature with makeup. Although my human life was over, I had a small flicker of hope for my immortal one.

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