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Sadly, the month spent with my family went quickly. It was filled with joy and lots of laughter, but as all good things must, it came to an end. I still had another week until my summer class started. It was just a Dance Composition class. It was a class I needed to take, but there was no rush to take it like I had told my parents there was.

After my family and I returned to Seattle on their last day here, they dropped me off at my apartment and drove to the airport where they dropped off the rental car and boarded their flight back to Texas. I missed them already, but I had to be hopeful that I would see them again soon.

I actually spent the days following their departure alone. It was nice to have some alone time after being around my parents and siblings 24/7 for an entire month. My only alone time was when they slept and the couple times during the trip that I snuck off during the night to hunt. It was especially easy since they were all heavy sleepers and because we were close to a lot of national parks with an abundance of wildlife. Now I was enjoying some quiet time, gathering my thoughts, something I liked to do once in a while.

I would finally be rejoining the Cullens in Forks today, in fact I was going to run over there soon. Running was something I had grown fond of during my time as a vampire. The feeling of the wind against my skin was exhilarating. I felt truly weightless and carefree when I ran. Nothing else around me was moving as fast as I was and it was like time was frozen around me. When I arrived I would hopefully get the story behind the Quileutes and why they seemed so uncomfortable when Amber mentioned La Push.


The house was empty when I arrived, a single note atop Edward's piano with beautiful, swirling handwriting. Gone hunting, we'll be back in 10 minutes. -Alice The sure statement made my lips upturn in a small smile. I really should get used to her doubtless messages. I let out a sigh and walked back to the couches on the other side of the room, sprawling across the larger one.

I was staring up at the ceiling mindlessly when my phone binged, notifying me of a new test message. I picked my cell phone up glancing at who it was. Ricky. This was a change in events. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I hadn't spoken to him in months, I wonder what it was he needed. We were on good terms of course, but we didn't text as often as we used to.


hey Arden! we haven't spoken in a while and I thought I'd check in and see how you're doing :)

hey Ricky! :)) I'm good just spending the summer in Washington hbu

I'm good, glad you're doing well! i've just been home bored but judging from your insta posts it seems like you're having fun

ahahaha yeah my family came to visit for a month but they left a couple days ago

oh yeah I know I actually ran into Amber at the grocery store yesterday

ohmygod what did she say


that bad huh

no it's not that! just she might have mentioned the idea of us getting back together

i'm going to kill her i'm so sorry

I mean she had some good points

what are you trying to say

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