turning point

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The pub close to the university would be a good place to blend in. It wouldn't be suspicious if we weren't eating or drinking because most people from the company were there to socialize anyway. There was a small bar in the corner and tables littered throughout the restaurant, a small dance floor in the middle of it all.

I wasn't a huge party animal I'll admit, but I did know how to have fun. The Cullens were going to see a different side to me and I don't know how I felt about that. I was a different person before I met them. I had no secrets, I didn't have to hide myself away, I was free. My friends from school knew a different side of me, the side that would go out dancing with them on weekends, the side that just let loose.

"Arden, you're here!" Skylar squealed when she saw me from a table in a corner, wrapping her arms around me.

Oh god, what was she thinking right now.

"Sky, I literally just saw you," I chuckled.

"I knowwww, but it feels like forever since you came out with us," she began before turning to the Cullens. "Sorry, I'm Skylar, you all must be the Cullens," she introduced herself.

"It's so good to meet you! Arden's told us about you," Alice exclaimed, clearly excited to meet my other friends.

"Haha, same about you all. Well I'll let you all go but, Arden, I expect to see you on the dance floor later, I am famished." Skylar winked heading back to her table.

I turned back to the others, "well, know you've met Skylar, she's...a personality," I laughed.

"I feel like she could even rival Alice," Emmett smirked before Alice elbowed his side.

"That is very, very, true," I replied. "Well, y'all don't have to order anything, most people just come for the drinks and dancing, you'll see, but no one will notice that we're not eating."

"Do you come here often?" Rose asked.

"I used to, we would come on weekends after practice, but I don't think I've been since..." I trailed off. "Anyway, we don't have to stay long, I'm just here because one: Alice made me come, and two: I would never hear the end of it from my friends if I didn't come."

Esme smiled, "Oh, we don't mind, it could be fun. We don't go out often, it's a nice change of scenery."

From behind them I could see some instruments coming out from the music students and I grinned, knowing what was coming next. People began cheering and I could feel a hand grab mine before I was dragged away. Long tables were being pushed together and soon enough I was pulled on top of one, the culprit being none other than Nova.

"I asked one of the guys to play our song, our fans wanted an encore," she said dramatically, winking at me.

At first I was confused, but as the music filled my ears and I noticed Vivian and Skylar on the table too, I realized what was happening. We quickly grabbed each other's hand and began dancing, for the second time that night, the dance of the little swans, except this time more dramatized and carefree. We were all laughing and exaggerating all our movements, until we struck our ending pose on the tables and the music faded into something else and people clapped.

To my surprise, Edward was holding out his hand to help me off the table, a smile on his place, probably at the display he had just seen. The rest of the Cullens were smiling brightly behind him, some laughing. At this point everyone around us were dancing and I could spot the others beginning to move with the upbeat music as well. I glanced up at the tall vampire before me.

"Well, you wanna dance, Eddy?"

He groaned at the nickname while I laughed at his annoyance. He sighed, half smiling, "well, why not, Denny?"

It was strange to see him this way, carefree, not on high alert. It was nice. I could see Alice and Jasper doing tricks for the crowd, Esme and Carlisle dancing sweetly together, twirling about one another, and Emmett flailing his limbs while Rosalie scolded him for making a scene, swaying to the music, herself.

I let myself dance freely, my arms in the air, throwing my head back as I laughed. I was happy.


When we returned to my apartment in the wee hours of the morning we were all still radiating happiness from our night out.

I rushed to my room to set my belongings down and quickly remove my makeup and change into something comfier.

"Arden, I think we need to talk," Carlisle said, grabbing my attention as I made my way out of my room.

"Oh, what is it, is something wrong?"

"No, not quite, but did you feel anything strange this evening, like when you were dancing?" Jasper answered.

"Uh, I mean it felt like people were watching me, but that's a given," I said hesitantly, letting out a breathy laugh.

"That's exactly what we're talking about," Edward added this time, "It was like, everyone, was watching you, I could hear their thoughts, it was like gravity had shifted and you were at the center."

I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say, letting them talk.

"What we're trying to say is, we think you have a power," Carlisle continued, talking in my silence.

"I- I don't know what you mean, like, I was on stage, shouldn't they have been watching me?"

"Yes, but the way they were watching, it was like they were compelled to," Edward spoke this time.

"I could feel it too," Alice added.

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"Well we're not sure exactly what it is, but we could take you to Eleazar, he would be able to tell you whether or not you have a power and what it is." Carlisle answered.

"I mean I thought it felt like people were staring, but..."

"Hey, you're okay, you didn't know what was happening," Rosalie said, squeezing my shoulder.

"That's true," Jasper added, "you probably didn't even know what was happening, we just wanted you to know, in case you felt something again: to be safe."

I nodded, "okay, well, when can we go see the Denalis?"

"I'm sure we could go soon, they never mind the company," Esme said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Peewee, you've been mind controlling me this whole time," Emmett said, breaking the tension.

We laughing, rolling our eyes at his antics.

The rest of the night was spent with quiet chatter amongst ourselves. They congratulated me on my successful show, and complimented me on my dancing. I was very grateful for it all. To have people support me, people that weren't my real blood. It was something that many people aren't lucky enough to have in their lives. I truly do consider them my family now, blood or not. Hah, literally.

I was excited to have a power, to an extent. I was unsure of what this would mean for me, would this change everything? Hopefully, Eleazar could give me answers, but for now I would just have to wait and see.

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