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I had told Bella I would explain the events in the woods to her. It's been a week and I still haven't told her anything. It was after the fact that I realized that I promised the Cullens I wouldn't tell anyone about the wolves; it would violate the treaty. I had already broken my promise about interacting with Bella, I couldn't break another promise.

Bella was spooked after the woods. So much so that when we got back to her house she told Charlie all about them, leaving out the part about Laurent of course. Apparently Charlie believed the large beasts terrorizing hikers to be bears because of their size, but he knew now that they were wolves.

Technically I had said that I would explain later... all events following those words were later. I just didn't specify how much later I meant.

I was debating whether or not I should call the Cullens and let them know about Laurent. Surely the wolves had killed him, but he mentioned Victoria. She wanted revenge for her dead mate. If I told Alice maybe she could tell me what we should do, Edward wasn't with them so she wouldn't have to worry about him hearing our conversation or her thoughts.

On a brighter note: I had gotten the lead role of Giselle in our upcoming spring show! I was very surprised, so were many of the other seniors, but William explained that I deserved it. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty though. There was no doubt in my mind that my flawless technique during auditions were a side effect of my vampirism. Had I still been a human there would have been mistakes for sure, even if those mistakes consisted of me merely getting tired. Nevertheless I only had 2 ballets left before I graduated so I was going to make the best of it.

It was Saturday again. The week passed in a blur, I hadn't spoken to Bella since the meadow and I felt like she was angry at me. It had only been a week and I'm probably overreacting, but I couldn't help it. The week after Bella surprised me on my doorstep we had talked during the week following, but now that I had seen her again and something major that would have prompted conversation happened there was nothing. It was radio silence.


The weekend passed slowly, I went to rehearsal, studied, watched TV, and went hunting. Nothing special really happened. That is, until I got a call from Bella Sunday evening. I had just returned from hunting near Mount Ranier.

I picked up the call hesitantly; I was worried that she would be demanding answers, answers that I was not at liberty to discuss. Instead, Bella's voice sounded shocked, excited even.

"Hello?" I answered, accepting the call.

"Arden! You won't believe what I found out this weekend." Bella exclaimed through the phone.

I could just imagine her expression right now: one hand running through her hair while the other held the phone up to her ear, her eyes wide as she talked quickly.

"What is it?" I responded, unknowing of what she was about to tell me.

This is when she began to ramble, "so Friday night Jake came to my house to apologize for how he was acting and kept talking about how he was so sorry that he wasn't allowed to tell me the truth yet. He was also acting kinda weird when he first got into my room, but I'll talk about that later. Anyway, he told me to try to remember this scary story he told me about the Cullens when I was in La Push with him and I didn't realize what he was trying to tell me until I had a dream that night. Arden, Jake is a werewolf!"

"Oh thank god you know," I let out a small sigh of relief, "I wanted to tell you I promise, but it wasn't my secret, plus I promised the others I wouldn't tell anyone since it's part of the treaty."

"Wait, is that what you were saying that you would explain later?"

"Yes! I didn't realize until after that I couldn't tell you, I'm so sorry. I felt horrible."

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