Three Days

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The first thing I saw was Alastor's sleeping form next to the hospital bed. His tie hung loosely around his neck and he looked as though he had slept in his suit for several days straight. To be honest, he looked far from the terrifying Radio Demon all of Hell feared. 

His head was cushioned by his arms, leaning against the edge of the bed, his tousled hair within reach. I couldn't help myself, I reached out and let my fingers run through the mess of hair. It was soft to the touch.

My touch woke him. Startled, Alastor's head shot up and his crimson gaze met mine, "(Y/N), you're finally awake."

I nodded and tried to say something, but my parched throat made it impossible. Without questioning it, he reached over and handed me a bottle of water that I assumed had been his. The water was like a salve on my parched throat. I drank the entire bottle in several swigs and found myself wanting more. 

"Don't overdo it," Alastor warned, setting the empty bottle aside before turning back to me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, each word scraping against my throat. 

"Three days," He replied, leaning back in his chair, finally relaxing.

"You stayed here for three days?" I peered at him, hardly able to believe the most notorious overlord in Hell stayed by my sickbed for all that time.

"Of course," Alastor answered with a grin, "Where else would I be?"

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