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I couldn't sleep that night. After several hours of getting a swat team briefed and lined up, I had drunk a few beers in the quiet of my own living room before dragging myself into bed. Lying there in the darkness, I ran through the plan one more time in my head.

The Dark Lotus was the name of the club. According to Alastor, the cult was meeting tomorrow night at nine. It was a simple plan, block all exits and close in for the arrests. It was a textbook takedown, nothing over the top or crazy. 

But...why was I so nervous?

It wasn't like I hadn't done this before. Hell, this was how I had died. A textbook raid on a drug den gone bad. The worst had already happened. If I died, what would happen? I go to double Hell?

Rolling onto my side, I stared at the wall. There was a stain where I had thrown a beer bottle at an ex during a fight. I had caught him trading pictures with some whore and apparently I was somehow at fault. 

"Fuck...." I swore out loud, rolling to the other side. I should be asleep, not worrying about exes or worst case scenarios. Closing my eyes, I willed myself to fall asleep...and when that didn't work I resigned myself to staring at the ceiling in defeat. Tomorrow was just going to be one of those days, whether I liked it or not...

Lying there in the darkness, I listened to the sound of the streets right outside my window. A couple fighting, a gunshot, a siren, a dog barking. I wondered if Alastor could hear the same sounds I did. Somehow, in its own odd way, that made me feel a little better. Someone else out there was hearing the same noises I was, and I finally fell asleep, feeling a little less alone. 

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