The Luna Lounge

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The Luna Lounge was about as sleazy of a club as it got. Sitting at the bar with two fingers of Jack, I avoided touching the counter as best I could. What the hell had they spilled on here to make it so sticky?

Scratch that, I didn't want to know.

Keeping my eyes peeled, I scanned the crowd for Vinnie. Going off the description J.J. had given me, I could at least narrow it down to about ten sinners. Of course, I would need to get a better look to see if they had the tattoo. 

After about half an hour, my luck seemed to pay off. One rather bald little fucker sat down next to me with a grunt, giving me a sidelong look. I gave him an encouraging smile, covertly checking out his wrist when he turned to wave over the bartender. 

He had the ouroboros tattoo. 

"Two of whatever she's having," The balding demon told the exhausted-looking bartender before turning back to me, "On me, of course."

I gave him another smile and raised my tumbler in a small salute before downing my whiskey. 

"I'm Vinnie," He introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"Sarah," I said, offering up the alias I had used in a sting a few years back as I shook his hand. Vinnie smiled a rather creepy grin, looking me up and down in a way that made my skin crawl. Alright then, that was how we were going to play it.

Leaning in a little closer, I said, "It's kinda loud in here, is there somewhere more quiet we can talk?"

Vinnie's face lit up like a kid at Christmas, "Sure, dollface. Let me pay the tab and we can go."

Without waiting for a reply, he hopped off his barstool and waddled away. Letting out a sigh, I discreetly checked my ankle holster to make sure my gun was in place. But before I could sit back up, a voice like an old-time radio whispered in my ear, "I would double think that plan of yours. The last detective didn't fare so well."

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