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Whenever I found myself part of a raid, whether it be breaking down a murderous cult's door or raiding a drug den, my brain just seemed to shut off. Autopilot seemed to take over and I just let years of training in the police academy do their job. 

I remember how my little brother would play games like GTA, shooting other players and NPC's without worry. If he died in the game, he just respawned. Well, I had respawned once already...I didn't know where or if I even would respawn again if I died. Where did sinners go if they died in Hell? Double Hell?

The scene was chaos. I don't know what ritual we walked in on and I didn't want to know. All I know is there were a lot of half-naked demons and plenty of bottles of wine lying around. 

"Gross," I said under my breath as we moved further into the room. Around me, officers were handcuffing half-naked and protesting sinners. Working my way around them, I ventured deeper into the den. 

"Less theatrical than I was expecting," Alastor's voice startled me as he popped up beside me, "But none the less thrilling."

"Didn't your mother ever teach you to never startle a person holding a loaded gun?" I sighed, moving closer to a door cracked partway open. I swore I could hear someone inside. 

"Get behind me," I said, hardly able to process that I was giving orders to the Radio Demon. Thankfully, Alastor did as I ordered, looking throughly amused. 

Pushing the door open, I said in a loud enough voice for anyone in the room to hear me, "HPD, I want you to put your hands where I can see them."

Inside I heard a scuffling noise, followed a bang. There was a flash of pain and then...nothing.

Behind the Badge | An Alastor x Reader Lemon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now