° Stockings. (Levi x Reader)

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happy holidays! this ones Christmas themed (I'm american + atheist, sorry for the lack of diversity!) next up is a birthday fic ;);) for levi. sorry for the length/unedited

The smell of sweet vanilla and candy flooded your home on this beautiful day. Christmas eve was your favorite; all the built up tension for the big day!
Currently you were making cookies for Levi's work team.

Hanji, Erwin, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. You loved them to pieces and celebrated the holiday at their work every Christmas eve at six pm. Normally Levi would be home to help you, but this year he worked over for some extra cash, and would already be at work when you arrived.
Shoving the freshly baked cookies onto the counter, you head into your bedroom.

Simple ugly sweater and a skirt would do. Quickly you slipped over the green sweater, pairing it with a white pleaded skirt and matching ornament earrings.
You curled your hair some, adding volume, then applied sparse makeup.

Feeling satisfied, you checked the clock. Forty five minutes till you had to be there.

Five minutes putting on coat and stepping out of the door; warming up car.
Fifteen to get downtown
Ten to find a parking spot that accommodates high heels.
Another ten to get in the building and greet people.

Planning it out in your head, you slipped on the large white coat Levi had bought you some time ago.
It smelled like him, like your home. This brought you comfort. Quickly putting the cookies into a dish, you began to head outside. The car revved loudly at your cold start.

Once all the neat was turned on, you played beautiful tunes of the season while begging the ride downtown.
After nearly thirty minutes you found a spot, and parked rather close to his office. Smiling at yourself in the side mirror, you smoothed over your hair and pressed in your lip gloss with the tips of your fingers.

"Perfect!" You sang to yourself, hopping out from the car and grabbing the cookies. Nervousness coursed your veins as the high heels you opted to wear clicked through the streets and onto the busy building you had come to know so well.

Entering, familiar faces greeted you warmly, welcoming you into the lobby and directing you to the room. You loved this part; young interns would refer to you as 'Mr. Ackerman's wife!' making you proud to be so.
Finally, you could hear the music from down the hall. Talkative voices, drinks clicking. It all built up until you opened the door.

The silence spread quickly, then being broken by Erwin. "(F/N)! Hello, beautiful!" His voice was deep and he hugged you unto his chest, the smell of alcohol taking over. You smiled politely.
Then your hand was taken by another soft one, pulling you away from Erwin.

"Hello my wife." His work voice was on, stern, dominance asserting. You laughed, booping his nose before you took the cookies over to the table where they belonged.
Levi followed, hands around your waist. "I missed you, I'm sorry I couldn't be home." You only grinned, kissing his cheek and turning it a light shade of pink. "It's no problem, baby,"

The night was nice. Many drinks, finger foods, and long conversations. Old friends doing karaoke, even Levi seemed to be having fun.
By the end, Levi and yourself had gone out to your car, ready to go home and cuddle by the fireplace. Social interaction didn't phase you, but you would prefer to be home letting Levi read books to you.

The ride was quiet, your hands intertwined while you weren't shifting. Levi liked that you were quiet too; it made him happy to rest easy until you got home.

Upon arrival Levi was quick to remove all outside clothes from the both of you, getting comfortable on the couch together in your pajamas.
"(F/N), I love you, Merry Christmas." He softly snuggled into your shoulder. "Merry Christmas, Levi. I love you too."

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now