Happy Birthday, Levi. (A/N)

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I've never really written anything like this, and I hope I don't disappoint! There will be a spicy/sweet story today at some point, I just wanted to post this.

Levi was my first anime man infatuation. He means the world to me. I sympathize with him and adore him all the same. I started watching AoT for him in the first place, I learned to love the show, but Levi will always have a special place in my heart.
His story is a sultry one, I know. Sadness, death, unresolved anger..but I would like to think in these moments that if he knew how many people loved him, he wouldn't feel so alone.

He carries a lot of weight around with him, emotional baggage he keeps hidden away. I'm not selfish with my love for him, I know many people feel the same, if not, stronger than I do.
Levi doesn't actually know his birthday during to the conditions he was born and raised into. December 25th is the default, and for that, I thank the writer.

So in the midst of your holidays, remember, in some alternative universe Levi exists, eating a cupcake Hanji probably made terribly for him.
He isn't emotionless, or a tyrant. He's Levi.

If you feel sad for him, knowing his entire story and the way his life has panned out, don't worry. I'm sure if he knew just how many people would celebrate his birthday with him, life would seem almost normal for a day.
I've never wished to be in a relationship with Levi. I could never imagine myself having sex with him; the most I want to do is hold him. I almost blush looking at pictures of him; but writing for him comes so naturally to me. I truly believe the things I write are things he would do/say, and I don't believe he's as stoic as fanfic usually makes him.

With that, happy birthday Levi. I love you endlessly, and my readers do too.

Happy holidays everyone! - kay

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now