▪︎ Life Without Me. (Levi x Royal! Reader)

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aaa so basically (F/N) is a queen & Levi is considered a commoner..cheesy ik

It was at the ball. The ball, amongst the chaos, when I caught the eye of my soulmate. We would dance through the night, everyone taking notes on how he handled the heir to the throne.
Men that wanted to betroth me were jealous, while others were questioning. Who was this mysterious man who had taken the hand of a princess?

That would be Humanities Strongest Solider. No one knew that at the time, not even I.
Ever since then I've caught his eyes at outings. My visits to the Scouts head quarters, meetings, I could never take my eyes off of him. I was soon to heir the throne; so we had no time to lose when finding my 'king'.

When asked whom I wanted to court me, I had one man in my head. One man who was not of nobility, or even wealth. I never saw him, that way, no. Coming from the underground, raised in poverty, I paid no mind to such things.
To me, this man was perfect. No questions, no doubts, only love for him and  all that surrounded.

It had gotten wind sooner than I thought that I would need to be courted by a man to become Queen. Men had been proposing left and right. Men of wealth, nobility, fame, all of it. None of them peaked my interest. I knew from the moment Levi caught my eyes who I wanted to marry.
With the scars on his face, his missing appendages; every ounce of his appearance I had soaked in. I fell madly in love with him.

He had been hard to know, rude at first. Although when I sent my guards to fetch the finest black tea made in the kingdom, by ancient men and women, he seemed content with me.
Then content grew to passion and longing, letters, love. I did not want to sit around and wait.

My parents had met their untimely deaths some months ago, the only thing stopping me from marrying a commoner would be myself, and I had no shame. Who in their right mind would tell the Queen no?

The hour hand hit 17:00 as my carriage pulled into the Scouts castle, stopping. I had ordered for guards to stay away, and instructed them to stand by.
I made my way through the complex array of halls, catching the salutes of many young cadets. I waved them off with a 'thank you', heading up to what I knew to be Levi's office.

Upon arrival, a knot tied in my stomach.

No, I would never have shame in loving a commoner. I would never lose faith in my people when they did for me, and I couldn't see past the nobility marrying into nobility. To me, it made no sense.
My silk glove-clasped hand knocked on the door, the eco ran through the empty halls. Soon I would hear grumbling, then the door swung open.

"What you- your majesty?" He answered, swiftly rooting to one knee and bowing. I laughed a little. "I'm alone, don't worry, Levi." I spoke, helping him up.
He nodded, closing the door behind me. "Might I ask what brings you here?"
I analyzed the room; very clean, you couldn't tell he was a hurt person.

Smiling, I sat down in the chair that rested in front of his own. "You are aware of my feelings for you, no?" I asked nonchalantly, tattering the fabric of my dress. He watched me, then sat down himself. We made eye contact for a moment, then breaking it.
"I am aware, I reciprocate them, as you know." His words were soft, with no I'll intention at the firmness. My hands eventually found one and other, fiddling together.

We sat in silence until I felt ready, ready to ask a question no queen was ever set to ask. Not ever made, bargained, or forced.

I then stood up, peering down to him. He kept swift eye contact as I took each glove off hastily, my soft hands exposed to the cold. He always said he loved my hands, they were unworked, virgin to the pains of life. Although he knew I wasn't totally ignorant to hardships nor pain, royalty carry their own set of trauma.
I took his rough hand into my own, his thumb caressing my own ever so slightly.

"I am set to marry soon. They wanted me to pick someone of nobility and wealth," I spoke. He froze up, tensing, hair rising. His heart was so close to shattering, on the tip of the horizon.
"That is not what I wish, though," I continued, kneeling to the floor. I trusted it was clean due to the fact he often scolded my maids over their ability to clean. Even once offering to 'do it himself.'

His eyes got bigger as he watched someone of pure blood royalty, wealth, and fairness, ruin her grace by kneeling into the floor. "I want you, Levi. Forever. I do not care if that means we must live in a cottage along the outskirts of wall Maria, I would go anywhere for you." His eyes welled with tears, as did my own. I hadn't prepared a speech, the words only floated from the way I felt.

"I would give everything in the world for you to be my King. You could stay here, still, if you wanted. I would come too, if you like."
His knees crashed into the floor with me, buckling. His arms gripped around me, tightly pushing the air from my lungs. I did this in return, then, laid a small kiss onto his tear stained cheek.

"I-I do not want to tarnish your reputation, though-" I quickly kissed him, taking the words away from his mouth.
"Marry me, Levi
Marry me, live with me, create children with me, and die with me." I rang, crying, holding his face into my hands gently. His eyes were wide, our foreheads softly lying onto one and other. He kissed my lips sweetly, backing away.

"Could we stay here?" He asked, gesturing the room he slept in. I smiled, "Only if I get to decorate!" My words were sweet and ran through his ears like melting candy on a hot cobblestone path.
"Anywhere with you is home, Levi."

He hugged me once more, falling into my arms. We stood, then, hugged once more.

"Return with me to the castle tonight, and we will be married as soon as I can make it happen." I offered, politely tucking his hair away behind his ears. He nodded, holding my hand. I picked my gloves as we began make our way out.
My men were sworn to secrecy, knowing I could kill them in an instant. As well as my now, fiance. I did not enjoy the helpless damsel game most princesses played.

I had learned my ways, I knew what I hard life was like. I knew how to fight, kill titans, all things fair. Levi liked that. He liked that I was not snobby, but instead humble and intellectual. I would create plans with the Scouts, myself being the only person of royalty who supported them.
Most of all, though, Levi liked that I liked him; and that was good enough for the both of us.

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now