° Rainy Days, Summer Nights. (Levi x Reader)

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You could have sworn the minute hand was traveling in slow motion today, for it had not moved at all since you checked it last.
Meeting with Hanji, Erwin, and Levi always kept you on your toes; yet, a certain captain had not shown today. Your foot tapped at an uneven pace as Erwin brought the meeting to a consensus.

Everyone had been exciting when you looked outside, eyes caught in an unknown. Captain Levi had been nothing but rude to you, why would you care for him? What was the difference? Nothing.
He would probably just brush you off, if that, even.
You quickly turned to see no one was there, now, it was barren. This gave you the leverage you needed to march up to the Captain's room.

It was rather rude to come uninvited, but you knew if something had been wrong, that would not have changed a thing.
Your boots clicked lightly against the wood, scurrying to the door.
Then, knocking. "Captain, sir? Cadet (L/N)."

Nothing. No snarky response, nay, any response at all. Hesitating, you cracked open the door. Your nerves were wrecked whilst doing so, breaking an unspoken personal boundary from your apprenticeship.
That's what it was, all it was. You were shadowing him, nothing more, nothing less.

These words racked your brain as you examined his empty office, then, finding yourself standing at his bedroom door.
'How intruding of me.' You had thought, knocking once more.
Again, nothing happened. All things considered, you had a right to check on your superior, right? It was not odd or unusual to do so, especially when concerned.

You turned the knob gently, as to not create sound; or even a stir. Peering into the room, you analyzed it quickly.
He was no where to be found, until you saw a large lump in his bed. The daylight hit the lump when you opened the curtains to his room, providing the light that had been missing.
A large grumble came out from beneath the blankets, twisting. "C-captain?" Your words were soft, as to not scare him.

He jolted, quickly sitting up to look at you. Standing in the corner, frozen, you saw him. He looked like hell.
Messy hair, bags under his eyes, red nose, he looked unwell.
His eyes widened at you, softening immediately upon recognizing your presence.

"Why are you in my room, cadet?" He sounded stuffy, sick.
You walked toward him, quickly pushing the back of your palm against his forehead, no longer worrying for his consent nor protest.
He tried to catch your hand, but when you pulled, he was too weak to stop you. This quickly caused worry, you then kneeled beside him.

"Are you sick, sir?" You asked, trying to make gentle, loving eye contact. He gazed away harshly, condemning the word he knew was the answer away from you.
"You like black tea, right? Would you enjoy some?" Your words were kind, like a hug you would not be able to give.
He looked to you, then nodded.

You nodded in return, dashing from his room and down into the pantry.
With a quickness you had never seen yourself exasperate, you made the tea. Then you got a cold bucket of water and a rag.

When done you had all of the things your mother used to use when you were sick, doing your best to keep composed while traveling back.
Once there, you invited yourself into his quarters. His eyes widened once more as you entered with many things aside from tea.

"What is all this, dumb ass?" His words were harsh, but loving as you had known them to be so well.
"You're clearly sick, and unable to protest." You replied, handing him the cup. He took a sip, then lied it aside. "Lay back." You spoke with a firm tone, letting him know you would not be giving up easily.

He did so. Once done, you squeezed the wet water from the rag and laid it on his forehead, then pulling up his blanket.
The room was cold, but his body was hot. You knew the contrast had to be great.
Hastily, you took your boots off, crawling into the other side of the bed.
Levi did not protest, as he trusted you.

You sat upright beside him, holding the rag to his head with one hand and petting his hair with the other. Levi would never admit defeat, no. Yet right now, he felt vulnerable. He was not scared of it, either.
You knew he would never fall asleep, so you stayed by his side, fiddling with his fingers and hair every now and then.

You would make conversation, but for the most part it was silent. At one point you read him a book, that did not lull him one bit. Although he enjoyed your soothing voice.
When all said and done, you felt tired, leaving his side to stand up. Quickly you watched him look at you, puzzled while you left him barren.

"I need sleep, meaning I have to head back. I will be back to check on you," You said, walking to your boots.
"No, sleep here, please?" You had never heard him say please, nor had you heard him beg for someone to stay by his side. You did not question it, though, leading yourself to lie down next to him.

He then turned, arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly to him. You could feel him shaking from the weakness.
Holding his hand, then, you fell into the most peaceful sleep you had ever known.

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora