° Loving Is Easy. (Levi x Reader)

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I shifted slightly in my seat, observing the crowd diligently. There were many women and men who looked fitted to the part to be our next captain, yet, Erwin seemed to know already.
He had left earlier today and told me to wait for him, so I could find out who my partner would be. I wanted to be excited, but truly, I had been terrified.

My entire career has been spent alone, I liked it that way. No one can hold me back or mess me up, even in the paper work department. I enjoyed paper work, though. It was quiet and left me to myself.
The bell rang for the end of lunch as a man caught my eye. Raven haired, short, a man I hadn't noticed before. He looked different. The emotion that I felt while staring didn't feel like others, but I shrugged it off anyways.

Soon we would head back out to the field, training with swords at this point.
"Okay everyone, partner up! Do it quickly or I will fight you myself." My words were strict. They quickly did as told, until I notice a certain man left out. Once again, it was the black haired man. I walked up to him, who was looking down.

"Hey. Where is your partner?" I asked, trying to make him have eye contact with me. He didn't budge, but I didn't mind a challenge. "Don't have one." I sighed and looked out to the edge, pondering. I don't want to fight a cadet, but without a partner, how would he spar?
"Alright, let's go." I nodded, walking over to grab my own sword I had laid aside for just this occasion.

He let out what sounded like a 'tch', then positioned himself for battle. I took proper stance and singled a go. He swiftly swung, only missing it by an inch, I blocked up. He hadn't been paying close attention, but he was fast.
With quickness I took my heel and shoved it behind his knee, making him fall. Then, with hesitation- I stuck my blade directly in his face. His eyes were wide staring at me, causing me to raise a brow. "Had enough?"

He stood up, wiping himself off, the scoffed and walked away. How rude could someone be?

Sitting my sword down, I turned back to see Erwin, who looked positive as ever. Go figure, he always was. He ran up to me with an energetic look, stopping right at the tip of my nose.
"Would you like to meet your partner?" He rang, obviously excited. I rolled my eyes and took ahold of his shoulder, "Sure."

He turned away and cupped his lips, "Levi, come here." I watched the crowd, then, the man I had fought and beat stood up. My face went flush as I crossed my arms.
There's no way.
He eyed me, quickly becoming flushed as well. Erwin only looked excited as he trudged up.

"Levi, meet Captain (F/N), our finest." He looked at me, then looked away with a hatred spattered on his face. Erwin looked to me in question. "I took him down in a sword fight. Seems pretty pissed, huh?" I asked, pinching Erwin's cheek. He only rolled his eyes and looked over to Levi.
"Well, you two must like each other a little You are both blushing quite a bit, huh?"

I slapped him on the shoulder, then looked away from them. "However it goes, you're partners now."

As months spread on, we did get closer. Of course I pretended to hate him, as he hated me with a fiery passion. He wouldn't speak to me, but he would make tea with me sometimes. Or we would organize paper work in silence together, which was better than talking. Every time we talked we only argued.
He had gotten better with his sword and hand to hand combat. I figured out he didn't like the dirt at all, and it made him uncomfortable. So when he lost to me, I would never let him touch the ground.

That's where it started. I grabbed his hand the first time, keeping him from hitting it and getting dirty. Quickly he jerked his hand away from mine, making me feel something. What it is, I'm unsure. A pain in my chest.
Now we were sitting in the silence once more, filling our latest mission. He would become a captain on his own soon, not needing me anymore. It made me sad that after this, our days would be optional.

I sighed, marking my last signature.

"Well, that's it for the night smarty pants." I quietly mingled away, fixing the papers. He scoffed and looked up to me.
"Okay, dumb ass. See you in the morning, then." He spoke like stone. I turned around and took a deep breath, facing him exactly. The air was thick as he peered up to me from his seat.

"Actually, you won't. You're becoming a captain, remember? You don't have to see me." He looked up, then away from me.
The silence grew heavy once more, time seemingly standing on it's own. Without a response, I began to step away, going back to the safety of my office.
"What if, I want to?"

My ears rang. Want to?
I faced the same direction, gripping the strap of my bag tightly. What was this feeling? This constant feeling I get around him, when he talks, when he acts like he hates me?

I heard footsteps creeping behind me, like a feeling that dragged up my spine.

I then felt a hand touch my shoulder, soft but firm all at once. My body tensed up, head turning at the ceiling.
"W-what do you mean?"
The hand attached to my shoulder jerked, turning me around to find Levi right in my face, nose to nose. I blushed, red completely taking over the (S/C) once there.

"What if..I want to see you again? In the morning, the afternoon, and at night?" He spoke, looking away from me. I did the same, keeping eye contact with the floor.

"I-I guess, if you wanted..you could." I tried to stay stoic, I tried to keep composure, but it wasn't working well. My facade was falling, right in front of the man who hated me most. At least, I thought.
"I thought you didn't like me?" I asked, pulling my eyes to his own steel ones.

He scoffed, taking his hand from my shoulder. "No," He began, pushing the strands of loose hair from my face onto the shell of my ear, "I don't want to. I wanted to think I didn't. Clearly, that plan was ass."

I cracked a tiny smile at his cussing, giggling a bit too. "Levi, do you..have feelings for me, in that way?" My mood brightened a bit from what it had been before, my eyes opening wide, awaiting his response.
"Maybe. I don't know."

Then I fully smiled, putting both my hands onto his broad shoulders, "I've never had feelings, like that, before. I didn't even know what it was in my chest, but I feel it when you're around. No one else." The truth spilled out of my lips with no filter, "I think I, maybe, like you too."
His gaze caught my own, my hands falling away from his shoulders. Immediately we were left, staring at one and other.

I didn't think he would convey his feelings to me, much less those of the romantic variety. Months of hating me, teasing me, making fun of me, it's all because he didn't know how to tell me.
Tell me that he had feelings for me.

His hand met my face swiftly, pulling my jaw to his own, forcing our cold lips to attach into a rather heated kiss.
Our bodies stayed apart, but the magic that created between us flourished, leaving us breathless when pulling away.
Never in my life had anyone touched me that way, causing my cheeks to burn even brighter.

"Levi, would you like to read together..in the morning? Or should I say Captain Levi, now?" I joked, trying to lighten the heavy mood that surrounded us.
He only rolled his eyes.

"I'd enjoy that."

That's what it was. Love. I felt it in my chest, tugging at me for months. Emotions I had never held in my heart, prevalent to me now.


Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now