▪︎ Feeling You. (Levi x Reader)

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im having a hard time with life rn. excuse my weird/short uploads, it's just been difficult! <3

I'm not exactly sure how it had started. Levi and I had a hard day, both of us. To make it worse, we argued.
It was rare we argued, mostly we sat in comfortable silence and listened to each others rambling and complaining, which was always a nice relief.

Yet today was different.

He had yelled at me, cursed at me, and I refused to be apologetic; as he did. Neither of us would admit who was wrong, nor did I want to. He was overly aggressive and rude to me, why? I'm not sure.
Folding up one of the blankets in our room, I sighed. Then I collected his pillow, as cleanly as possible, and laid it out onto the sofa in his office.

Normally we would share the bed in my room. It was soft, and much larger than his. My room was comforting and not barren, as his was, which led him to sleep over one night. Then the next.
He was comforting to me, his body went limp as we faced each other. Sometimes I would hold his pale hand into my own before I dozed off.

Tonight I didn't want to see him, though. I don't enjoy arguing with him, in fact, I would love to make him fresh tea and take it out to lunch for him. I'd rather win this argument, though, and gain his apology. I deserve it.
The time of the day passed fluidly. It was calm mostly, aside from Hanji's newest experiment- which exploded.

Reading a thick book, I sat in my office alone for the first time in many months. No Levi to tell me about his day.

3rd pov:

Levi had rumbled from the mess hall all the way to his office. His mood was less than bad, worse than good, and all around awful. He wanted to hold (F/N). He wanted to feel her skin against his own, touch her. He missed her.
Entering his office, his eyes immediately met the blanket and pillow sitting on his sofa. She must have left it here for him.

He sighed, picking it up and taking into his bedroom. How could he be so stupid?

He should apologize, he knew that much. He should be on his knees, begging for forgiveness. He didn't intend to be so rude. Levi loves her with all of his heart, how could he hurt her?
But he had. Levi sat in his chair, looking out of the window and onto the barren land before the edge of the head quarters.

Soon he would drift off into a sweet, but short sleep. A rare gift he only had known with her.

1st pov:

A knock rang upon my door at the latest hour before I stood, meekly walking. I straightened myself out, combing my nimble fingers through my hair as to not look ragged if it were a cadet or an official. I hesitantly opened the door, only to find Levi standing there.

His eyes were averted, pajamas on, and pillow in hand.

"What is it?" I said, pushing my eyebrows in one and backing from him. His eyes softened at whatever had caught them. "I had a nightmare." His stern voice seemed a little more broke than usual.
I sighed and pressed my finger to my temple. "Say sorry and I'll let you in."

It was petty, but I wanted to know how he felt before I let him find companionship in me once more.
He sighed and groaned, then looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, ass face, I love you."

Smiling, I palmed his face gently and welcomed him into my arms. He opened his arms and wrapped them around me. I nuzzled into his embrace, then led him back into our room.
It was warm and smelled of fresh lemons, one had gotten because of his love for cleaning. My room was extremely clean, and all around a perfect mix of both of us.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, holding my arms wide for him to lay down with me. He soon did so, quietly, then found comfort under the blankets twined into my arms.
To say we argued like this would be a fallacy, but I enjoyed his scent. His presence made me whole, and that is something no silly argument could ever take away from me.

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora