▪︎ Limited Hours. (Levi x Reader)

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a little angst to prepare you for the smut thats coming up next lmao, its intense
enjoy! - kay

Four days. You had been gone for nearly a week.

Levi tossed in his bed, stirring around aimlessly. You, the light of his life, the person he had yet to confess to, had been gone without him.
Erwin sent your team out without his own, leaving him worried for days on end. He had been limp.

No paper work done, his hair was a mess, his room was sub-par- even though some would consider it still immaculate.
Levi didn't want to let anyone know how he felt about you. How- the fact you were gone sent worrying shivers up his spine and made his eyes glossy. You didn't even know, so how could anyone else?

Besides shitty glasses, that is. They had found him aimlessly writing your name into his journal. That was enough the make Hanji squeal.
Yet, in this trying time, they only worried for you both. They worried for Levi, and for you to just be okay.

Luckily for him tomorrow was set to be the day you returned. He spent time cleaning up, sweeping, sanitizing. Taking reading breaks, creepily enough, he'd sit on your bed and inhale your fresh scent.
No; he didn't think it was weird. He missed you, shamefully so.

The next morning he woke up genuinely ecstatic. His nerves bounced off the walls, forever strained. All he could do was hope you would be in the group that returned.
Time went slowly, that day. Hanji sat with him, trying to lift his spirits.

They could only do so much before leaving him alone. You didn't return.

Levi went into panic when you missed the deadline time to come back. When he didn't see your team wobbling bravely over the horizon. His breath caught, not noticable to anyone to him
Erwin yelled after him, but nothing could deter what he was about to do. Levi ran to the stables, throwing on the ODM gear that had been laying beside his horses stable, then getting onto the horse.

He left in a hurry, unwavered by the calls of his team and superiors. The leather straps of his gear dug tightly into his hips, rubbing them raw. At this point he didn't notice, and when he felt blood draw, he didn't care.
For hours on end he rode the horizon. No food, water, or plan.

When his heart became heavy, hopeless; when his horses feet were begging for rest, that's when he lost hope.
You were dead, you had to be.

He tied his horse up to a tree branching from the forest, not caring if a titan would peak out from behind him to kill them both anymore. He could only think of you.
Your smell, your laugh, the way you would snort when something was really funny. Late night tea-sessions with him, in which he would show you his love with undying head pats.
Oh, how he missed your hair. The silky touch, the issued shampoo smell. The tickle when it rested onto his shoulder.

This was it for him. His breaking point.

He had lost and lost, death after death each time. You had no idea how much he loved you, how much he adored you in every way.
Levi clutched his heart tightly, tears brimming his eyes. "I shouldn't have let myself fall. How stupid could I be? To break my own promise? A fool." He spat, teeth gritting in sadness and anger.

Hoisting himself back onto his horse, he fled. Fled from you, from the pain, wherever the beautiful resting head of your dead body would lay. His heart broke at the thought.
Halfway there, he was halfway. His stomach grumbled, mouth dry, cheeks stained with shameful tears.

Yet, in the dead of night, darkness, he saw a light. No, not the bright light. A campfire light. Smoke; there were people.
He didn't question who it was. Escaped people from the walls, traitors hiding away; he didn't care.
The horse mewled when jerked the direction of what seemed to be a camp. It trotted slower than before, aching for rest, just as its master.

Slowly he arrived, seeing the one thing his heart strings ached to see. His saving grace, if you will.

ODM gear. Food, water, tents, cooking meat of some sort. People were alive and definitely here. Many people.
Tents aligned along a line, make-shift tables set up with knifes stabbed into them. His heart pace slowed, now.

"(F/N)!" His hands cupped his mouth, loud voice raspy and desperate. "CAPTAIN (F/N)! SQUAD LEADER (L/N)!"

Tents shifted slowly as Levi stood in the center, eyeballing each move, ready to pull his swords anytime. A small gas lit lamp forged from a tent, pushing the lips away and uncovering a hand.
The figure that stepped out was none other than the person he had longed for. Ached for, actually.


You looked well. Sleepy, but kept as always. Your clothes were less than par, shirt untucked and partially unbuttoned, no straps on your torso; but he didn't mind. You were beautiful.
Your face lit up, then contorting in confusion upon seeing him. "L-Levi?"

At first he didn't really believe it was you. His arms reached out without even thinking, eyes watery. His legs carried toward you, as you to him. All fear went away, though, when you all made contact.

Your arms gripped tightly around him, showing- no- proving you had missed him just as much. You both inhaled deeply, taking in the scents you longed for.
Only four days, yes. That was all. But when he thought to you dying, thought of losing you; four days was hell.

Pulling away, your (e/c) orbs peered into his own. "How did you find us? Why are you here?" You spoke, running a soft thumb over his cheek with care.
His shoulders fell in relaxation.

"I have something to tell you." He had been a little more confident, arms on your waist as your own wrapped his shoulders.
He didn't care about cadets listening in from their tents, nor did he care at any moment you could be ambushed and killed. Right here, in this starry night, you were the center.

"Yeah?" You questioned, doe eyes begging him. He sighed, looking into the stars, then back to you. "I love you."
You nearly choked, disbelief wracking your spine. Love? Levi loved someone, much less, that someone being you?
"I-I love you too, Levi, I missed you so much."

Your words washed over him, relaxing as you all fell into another hug. It didn't matter that anyone was looking, nor listening, only that Levi was wrapped into the safety of your arms. At home, his home away from home.

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now