° Irregular. (Child! Levi x Reader)

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sorry if this was rushed/has mistakes, I'm a bit tired. if you dont resemble Levi's mother just...pretend for me :)

Sitting at my desk, pen in hand, I sighed. Today would be long, yes, but now even longer. Seconds before this moment, before I heard a loud boom come from Hanji's experimentation lab, today could have actually been good.
I stood to my toes, stretching out before darting from my office down the halls. Cadets all around didn't seem to react, probably used to the sounds of explosions by now.

Although I myself knee this sounded different. My feet patted down the halls all until her door, which had a thin layer if smoke seeping from the edges.
Sighing, I pushed open the door. Immediately a cloud of smoke blew in my face, stealing my vision.

My arms spread, searching for the door frame. "Hanji Zoe! Where are you?" I yelled out, gripping the handle to the door and ushering myself in.
When I got no answer, and the smoke cleared just a bit, my eyes nearly fell out from the sight before me.

Hanji and a child sat beside of each other, covered in muck, heaving. The child looked annoyed and rather terrified, while Hanji's eyes met my own.
"Who is this kid?" I asked, gesturing the boy. They smiled, rubbing the back of their neck nervously.

"Well- uh. This is Levi."

My eyes widened, somehow, double what they had been. Fists balled, I sighed. "How?" I asked, inching over to the pair.
Levi looked scared, he was trembling, eyes locked on the floor.
"Um. Experiment gone wrong? It'll only last for a few days," They spoke, standing up. "Could you possibly take care of him?"

My eyelids were heavy, but upon examination, I would never leave him here this terrified.

"Sure. Get out so I can talk to the kid." They squealed, side hugging me and fluffing my hair with the other hand. "I owe you one!" With that, I had been left alone.
"Levi, do you know who I am?" I asked, crouching down to his level. His eyes had been locked on one board of wood the entire time, not breaking any contact. His little body still trembled. He couldn't be older than four or five.

With no response, I reached out to him, hand open for his own. He only looked at me coldly.
When our eyes made contact, though, he softened and stood from his once balled form. "M-mommy?" He asked, speech broken. I wanted to say no, but when he ran up to me and gripped my legs tightly, I couldn't.

I knew of his past; he had told me I resembled his mother one drunken night. This child was broken and lost, how could I deny him?
The clothes on his body were large, too large for him. Although, thinking about it, I'm almost sure we have issues clothing in the closet right outside of this room that could loosely fit him.

Reaching down, he looked up to me. I gestured to pick him up, as he complied. Once in my arms, his soft-round face nuzzled into the crook of my neck.
I cradled him for a moment, cooing a sweet hum in an attempt to relax him.

Once I had bathed him, changed him, and combed his hair, he sat upon the window seal. His eyes cascaded in wonder over the many different fields of grass he could see. This made me smile.
He looked back at me, turning around and jumping from the seal to come my way.
No one knew of this besides officials. The cadets would have a field day.

His smaller hands gestured for me to pick him, so I did. Comfortably we sat into the seat beside my bed. His legs laid over my own, head on my shoulder, and arms around my neck. He was warm and smelt of lavender.
His shaking was still there, not as harsh though. "Levi, do you know who I am?" I asked once more, hand weaving into his raven locks.

He looked up to me, steel eyes much less broken than before.

"Mhm! Mommy!" He spoke, kicking his legs. I smiled down to him. I didn't want to correct him, I didn't want to tell him his real mother had passed.
He seemed so happy, so innocent and pure. Untouched by pain or betrayal.

The next few days were easy. I made him plenty of tea and food, enough for a grown man. He liked going outside a lot. He also enjoyed when I would read him books. His favorite thing was nap time, though.
I would wrap him into my arms, holding him close as he fell off into dream land. Normally during the night Levi would stay awake for hours, nightmares holding onto his health.

It was once nap time again. He had already laid down, awaiting my warm presence to hold his own.
"Mommy! Come, please!" He spoke, smiling at me. I hadn't corrected him on who I am. Why would I?

I obliged, lying down and holding him closely to my chest. I pressed a small kiss on his forehead. In a motherly sense, I loved him. Outside of my feelings for him, outside of all the things I felt for adult Levi.

We quickly drifted into sleep.

My eyes cracked open some time later, finding that Levi was no longer there. At least not as a child. Adult Levi was resting in my arms, facing me, smiling slightly. My heart raced as I realized the clothes he had on were too small.
I looked away quickly.

"M-Momm-" His voice rasped, catching when his eyes lided to see my own. His mouth was open, too hoarse to say a single syllable.
I backed away slowly, trying to keep tensions low. Yet, when I tried, his hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, into his chest.

He seemed to be aware of what happened, somewhat. His breaths were quick, spaced out quite a bit.

"L-Levi, are you okay?" I asked. He only nodded. I felt saddened that the happy, vulnerable Levi was gone. My Levi.
The man tightened his grip on my body, holding me close. I could feel the wet stain of tears pressed into the cloth of my shirt. "T-Thank you, (F/N). I'm sorry."
I nodded no, hands taught around his hair. "You don't need to thank me. I-"

Looking down into his pooled grey eyes, I smiled. He looked just as innocent as before, yet broken.
"I love you, Levi."

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now