Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Alice is on the wet grass with her legs folded under her. She did not bother putting her disguise on after flying back to the house.  All she can think about was the feeling of the vines around the troll’s body. The way they tightened around him. The way she felt through the vines as his life was slipping away. She could hear his last breaths being drawn until the snap of his neck.

She does not feel regrets, for Alice knew it had to be done. The troll was looking for her, and it could have hurt someone in the process. She could only think of her friends getting hurt because of her trying to hide behind them.

“I tried calling your father,” Will says as he walks out into the yard. He settles himself on the grass next to Alice. “He was busy, so I gave a message to one of the squires, told him that it was urgent.” He wraps an arm around her shoulders, and rubs her arm.

Alice nods.

Will kisses the top of her head. “Why do we not go inside, since it could rain again?” He suggests.

Alice looks up at the sky and sees nothing but grey clouds. He was right the next set of rain could happen any second. As much as she wants to be outside, she did not want to be in the rain anymore. Alice nods and gets up. She follows Will into the house and curls up on the couch next to him. “What are we going to do?” She asks in despair.

 “We wait to see what your father says,” He simply states.

She picks up her head from his chest, “That is it?” Alice says in shock. She gestures to the door. “I just killed a troll. Here on Earth; where they are not supposed to be.” She points to Will, “And all you can think we should do is sit and wait?”

Will puts his head in his hands and places his elbows on his lap. “What would you like me to do, Alice?” He says impatiently. “Huh tell me because I do not know what else to do.”

Alice places her hand on his shoulder. She leans down and says, “I say we both go back home and do what we can there.”

Will looks at Alice with narrowed eyes. “You want me to take you back to where the war is happening?”

Alice boldly nods.

“Why so his trolls can take you too?” Will says irritated. “Alice, do you not understand that the reason for this whole war is to keep Damos away from you?” He gestures to the door, “If I take you back, this whole war will be pointless.”

“I understand, but-.”

“No apparently you do not.”

“Will, we cannot keep sitting around here.” Alice puts her hand in his and squeezes it. “A troll from Damos’ court came, that is a sign that we have to do something. Plus if we do not, someone will get hurt.”

Will clasps both of her hands in both of his. “Your father gave me direct orders to keep you safe and away from Eden.”

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