Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

            The best advantage about having to live in a small town near the beach is the fact that it is not hard to get around without a car. Especially when someone is a fairy in hiding and being inside a car would make you sick and weak. That is definitely not something you would want to have happen when you are trying to prove their guardian that they could take care of themselves.

            Alice thinks about this, and about how lucky she is, as she gets closer to the beach walking beside Scott and Brittney. She looks up ahead to where Scott was leading them and sees a group of kids from her school. They were all doing something different; whether it was swimming, or tanning, or just hanging around talking to each other. Somewhere close by where the group was having the party she could see a net set up to play beach volleyball, and she predicts Brittney would start a game.

            She recognizes a few of the kids from school as Scott and Brittney were saying hello to them. Alice even manages to say hello to the ones that recognize her from class, and she even found herself in a conversation with a couple who once had the same algebra teacher as her and Brittney had last year.

            “Yeah he always picked on me in freshman year, and gave me a D on a test I studied real hard on.” The boy with the blonde hair in the white and black swim shorts named Oliver said. 

            His girlfriend Amy with the red hair in the pink flower swim suit added. “I remember having him last year and he gave half the class a detention for leaving the room dirty.” She shrugs. “But he had to let it go because the principal would not allow it.”

            “I wonder why they don’t just fire him. He can’t even teach.” Brittney adds in a comment. “I’m so glad that I don’t have him anymore.” She says in a relieved tone.

            Scott comes up to stand next to Alice. He stands next to her closely.  She could feel the warmth of his body and his breath as he talks to his friends, not that she minded at all. “Who knows, but if they did who would we get to prank.” He looks over at Oliver. “But I don’t think you’ve a lot to say. I was with you the day before the test, you were so not studying.”

            Oliver shrugs. “Well who gives a test out on a Monday anyway?” He points a finger at Scott. “And you’re just gloating about the fact that you were one of the five people to pass his class with a high grade.”

            Scott just smiles and nods, his expression telling everybody how proud he is.

            Alice raises her eyebrows at him. “You passed his class?” she asks him in a surprised tone. Which she actually was. With all the detentions he got on the first week of school, she found it surprising that he actually tried hard. But then again his reaction to getting that D in that first assignment in class should have been a clue that he did somewhat care about school.

            Scott took a drink out of a cup of soda and smiles at her. “Well yeah, I don’t like to slack off in school when it comes to grades.” He cocks his head to the side and grins. “I know it is hard to believe that someone as handsome as I can be so smart as well.”

            With a grin Alice says in a playful tone, “Actually it is hard to believe someone as cocky as you can actually add two plus two.” She pats his shoulders in a playful manner. She starts laughing as everyone else does.

            Licking his lips Scott only holds onto a grin and stares only at Alice. She did not mind his gaze. It was not possessive and uncomfortable. It was more like playful and fun. And she found herself actually liking it.

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