Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Alice wakes up to the moonlight shinning through her window. She rolls over expecting to see Will next to her, but instead sees an empty spot. She sits up and realizes that she was in the room alone. Worried she climbs out of bed and walks over to Wills opened bedroom. She squints her eyes and sees that the bed was empty.

She wonders where he is. Alice knew that Will would not just leave her without reason, especially after what happened today.

A noise comes from downstairs. It was the sound of furniture being thrown everywhere. Alice’s eyebrows come together in confusion, and she slowly walks to the stairs. She clasps her hand over her mouth trying to stifle a scream. She sees Will being manhandled by four trolls. It takes three to hold him down, while the fourth one kept punching him.

“Where is the princess?” the fourth one kept asking.

Will does not answer and takes the punches.

Alice glares and tries to make a ball of fire. But nothing was happening. She tries to use the air, but nothing happened either. She tried everything else she could think, nothing and Will was still getting hit. She tries moving from the staircase but her legs do not move.

The troll punches Will in the gut, and Will bends over and coughs out blood.

“If he does not want to talk,” A voice coming from the dining table says, "Then kill him."

Alice flinches because she recognizes that voice. The same voice that has been haunting her memories and dreams. She sees Damos walking into the living room gesturing to the fourth troll.

The three trolls pull Will to his knees. One troll pulls his head back, exposing his neck.

Alice’s face is stained with tears as she watches the whole thing not knowing what else to do. She tries moving again, but nothing happens.

The fourth troll comes up to Will and places a sharp dagger to his throat, and slices it open. They push Will’s body to the floor, as his blood spills everywhere. First staining his white shirt, and then becoming larger as it hits the floor.

Alice shakes her head in anger. She finds herself able to move and starts running down the stairs. When she gets to the last step she trips over something. She gets on her knees and looks behind to see what she tripped over. She gasps to see Brittney’s corps laying across the stairs with a spear in her chest. Alice crawls backward not believing it when she feels something warm behind her. She turns around and sees Scott with a sword piercing his stomach, his blood spilling everywhere. Alice clasps her mouth to cover a scream. Her throat felt so dry and it ached.

“Princess there you are,” Damos says behind her in a cool tone.

Alice turns around and sees her parents’ bodies behind him; arrows in their backs. She shakes her head. “W-Why?” She mumbles shaking.

“They were all in my way,” Damos steps closer to her. “Now you are mine.” He picks up a chain.

Alice sees that it was wrapped around her wrists. She pulls on it trying to get away from him. She looks around and sees everyone she cares about dead. Tears roll down her eyes, it cannot be true.

“They all died to protect you.” Damos pulls on the end of the chain. “You should not have hidden behind them. They probably would have lived.”

Alice pulls harder screaming for him to let go.

“Alice wake up, you are having a nightmare!” She stops screaming hearing Will’s voice. She feels his hands on her shoulders shaking her. “Wake up, Alice!” He keeps shouting at her.

Everything around her fades away and she sees Will’s face over hers. The lamp on her night stand illuminates the room. When she remembers the scene of Will getting killed, she wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him grateful that it was only a nightmare. She kisses him everywhere from his neck to his lips. “It felt so real,” She whispers.

Will pulls her away, and looks at her strangely. “Alice, you are shaking.” He takes it as her being cold, and pulls the covers up to her chest, but she pushes them away.

Alice pulls the rest of covers off of her and feels the air cool her skin. She felt sticky and her throat ached from screaming in her sleep.

Will touches her forehead with the back of his hand. “I am going to bring you some water.” When Will starts to get up, Alice pulls on his shirt to make him stay. “Alice-

“Do not leave me please,” She says, her voice throaty and pleading.

“I will be right back. What ever happened, it was only a nightmare.” He brushes her hair, “It is over now.” He gets up and does not let Alice make him stay.

Alice rolls off her sticky back and on to her side. She wanted to go with him, and make sure nothing happens. But she was shaken up so much, she decided against it.

Will comes back and sits on the bed next to her.

Alice takes the cup from him and she tries to put it to her lips, but her hands were shaking too much.

Will takes both her hand and the cup in his and guides it to her lips. He helps her drink it and takes it back when she is done. He sets the cup on the night stand. Will takes her hand in his and strokes it. “Feeling better?”

Alice nods her head feeling his warm hands stroking hers. She leans on his shoulder and wraps her arms around him. She never wants to let go of him ever again. The thought of his blood spilling everywhere made her want to throw up and hold him tighter.

“If you hug me any tighter, I may not be able to breath.”

Alice lets go of him, “Sorry.”

Will shakes his head with a grin. He lays back on his pillow, “Come on lets go back to sleep.”

Alice folds herself into Will’s arms and lets him wrap his arm around her. The sound of his breathing was comforting. A chill runs up her spine as the images of the nightmare replays in her mind. Will being beaten and killed, her not being able to do anything, the corpses of her parents and friends, and what Damos said about her hiding behind all of them.

Alice buries her face into Will’s shirt and tears start to roll down her face. It was all true, even if the nightmare was not real. All she has ever done is hide behind someone. Will was her guardian, her parents were having a war, and she was pretending to be human and she practically used Brittney and Scott to add to that disguise. She was not a human or a princess. A coward is what she was, and everyone around her is going to pay the price for it.

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