Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Will closes his eyes, feeling the air around him. He listens to the wind blow through the trees. The trestles of sand around him moves as the wind blows, and he senses something coming. Will jumps up and hovers over the clearing seeing Alice on the edge of it trying to stop herself from crashing into a tree.

Smirking at Alice’s surprised look, Will sarcastically asks. “Did you really think that was going to work?”

His question only seemed to make Alice give him a smug grin. “No, but this is.” She said as her wings start beating hard. She waves her hands and soon the wind became stronger. Leaves from the trees started to dance around Will, and became hard for him to control himself.

The water that was absorbed by the ground became mist then into little raindrops. Alice took the raindrops and created a ball of water. She threw the ball in his direction causing Will to fall hard on the ground.

Quickly getting up and wiping the dirt off his cheek, Will smirked. “Impressive.” He muttered. He stood his ground ready to attack. Alice leaps in front of Will and tries to roundhouse kick him. He dodges her attempt and grabs her leg and slams her on the ground. Alice uses her other leg and kicks him on the chest. He steps back releasing her leg. She gets up and swings a punch across his jaw.

Will steps back and wipes jaw and checks to see if there was blood on it. When he sees a little bit he smirks. “Good punch.” he comments. He flies and grabs Alice by the waist and slams her against a tree. “Pinned you, I win.” He says while still holding her. Will watches Alice struggle under his grasp thinking about how cute she looks. Alice can be such a sore loser sometimes. “Can’t get out, can you?”

Alice finally stops struggling and gives me the ‘shut up’ look. “It’s only because you are physically stronger than me.”

Shrugging and letting go of her, Will turns, his back facing her. “Well the only thing I can do is fly, have to make that up somehow.” He starts flexing his muscles knowing how much it bothers Alice. He turns expecting Alice’s annoyed yet cute face and instead he gets tackled by her with her dagger at his neck.

“Always take your target by surprise.” She said with a grin as if it were a joke. Which he found it kind of was. Alice just looked like that type of girl that you would not expect to be tough, and to tackle a tall strong guy like Will was pretty funny. “You shouldn’t have been so cocky.” She says with the grin still remaining across her face.

“And you…” Will takes Alice’s arms and flips them over so that way he was on top of her. He grabs her wrists and pins them over her, tightening his grip on the hand that held the dagger till she let go. Will looks back at her and whispers into her ear. “Should take your own advice.”

Alice props up on her elbows. The tips of their noses only inches away. Will could smell the sweet scent of honeysuckle coming from her hair. “You know using my powers would be a lot more fun if you didn’t win all the time.”

“You’ll get better at it one day.”

Scrunching her eyebrows and cocking her head Alice asked. “You know I’m getting tired of you saying that?” She didn’t look angry just upset and irritated. She looks down as if regretting the tone she used. “Sorry, it’s just that I’m a princess in hiding, and I feel completely useless out here.” she says apologetically.

Will puts a finger under her chin to lift her head up so he could see her. He puts a hand on her cheek, and wipes a stray tear away. “Alice.” he says as she leans her head against his palm. “You are gifted fairy and heir to the throne of Eden.” He leans a little closer to her just until they are inches away. “Trust me the last thing you are is useless.”

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