Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Alice awakes the next morning. The curtains to the large original windows from across the bed are open, allowing the intense rays of sun pour into her bedroom. Rubbing her eyes, Alice gets up from the bed and looks out her window. The warmth of the sun made her feel a little better, but not enough to erase the memory of Will’s coldness last night.

A light breeze blew through the trees, and the sky is clear. Not one white fluff of cloud is in the sky. It is definitely the type of day what the humans would call a ‘beach day’.

In her camisole and shorts, Alice makes her way to the bathroom that was in her room. She looks into her reflection in the plain square mirror that sits above the white bland sink. She could tell about the girl that was looking back at her that she appeared to not have gotten enough sleep; her eyes were puffy and pink, her hair looked as if something slept in it, and her face was wet with tears.

Alice turns the sliver knob on the sink, and splashes some cold water over her face not believing the fact that she was up crying all night. Especially when it was over Will. Over a stupid fight. Over some stupid boy.

After drying her face with a red hand towel, she takes her brush and takes out the knots in her hair. Alice feels foolish for even shedding a tear about anything last night. She is heir to a throne, she should not be crying like this.

What kingdom would want a queen that cries over something silly? She asks herself.

But remembering Will’s scornful gaze makes her forget about that. She has been away from her family and home for over a year. Until Will gave her the cold shoulder last night, it was the first time she actually felt alone.

She puts down the brush not understanding why it matters what Will does; whether he talks to her or not, or if he approves of her going to that beach party or not. She could do whatever she felt like doing.

Alice puts on a robe and makes her way downstairs. She notices that Will is not at the table, so she makes her way to the kitchen where the phone is. Though that changes after she walks in and sees Will at the stove making pancakes.

“Morning,” he says in a bitter tone without looking her way.

As much as she wishes that Will would turn around and give her a smile and say that last night meant nothing, he doesn’t, and so Alice takes a breath to say. “Morning,” making sure it was in the same tone as he gave her. She reaches for the phone and leans her back against the counter as she dials the number. Putting the phone in her ear, she listens to the phone ringing on the other line.

On the third ring a male voice speaks. “Hello?”

“Hey, Scott.” Alice says little loudly, hoping that Will could hear.

“Hey Alice, what’s up?” Scott says with a short yawn.

“Just wanted talk to you about that beach party today.”

Scott sounds more awake as he asks. “Yeah, what about it?”

With a grin on her face, Alice turns around and leans her elbows on the counter when she sees that Will’s head turns slightly to her before turning back to the stove. “I just wanted to tell you that I would like to go.”

A scraping sound comes from the spatula against the pan, and a half ready pancake flips off the pan and onto the floor. Will turns around without looking at Alice and picks up the pancake. She watches him throw it out and go back to the stove.

Trying to stifle a grin, Alice adds. “But only if you invite Brittney.”

“Fair enough,” Scott says on the other line. “I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

They say their good-byes and Alice hangs up the phone.  She sits on the counter and watches Will finish the last pancake. She crosses her legs and leans her head against the wooden cabinets. She sits there waiting for him to say something.

Will walks over to her carrying two plates of pancakes. “Here this one is yours,” he says practically shoving the plate in her hands. “Oh and by the way princess, I think you going to that party would be the stupidest thing you could ever do.”

Alice does not say anything. She could already tell he was annoyed. All he had to do was call her by her title and not her name.

“For one thing you can’t swim.”

“Only when I have my wings out; and you taught me to swim a little.”

Will’s eyes narrows. “That was in a pond, we are talking about going into an ocean, where there are strong waves.”

“I can control the tide.”  She says as they stare each other down. He should know that she is not just jumping into this. She has a plan to stay out of trouble. For once her human form would be doing something good for her. Where with her fairy form her wings would only absorb water and drag her down. She may be a fairy who can control water, but that did not make her a mermaid.

Will puts his plate down and moves Alice’s plate. He moves closer to her, their faces only inches away. “Do not go, Alice.” He says softly. His hand mystically caressing her cheek in such a loving way.

She closes her eyes at the feel of his fingers on her skin. “Give me the reason why you do not want me going.” She says fighting the urge not to lean into him. She opens her eyes reluctantly.

Searching her eyes, Will takes a long pause before saying. “Because I do not trust this kid, he is like any boy; in the end they all just want one thing. You know that.” He removes the strand of hair behind her ear. “And I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Alice puts her hand on his, and slowly removes it from her face. “I’ll be fine, Will.” She looks at him with pleading eyes. “Trust me.”

Will takes a hold of her hand, and leans in. “I do trust you.” With their foreheads touching he adds in a whisper. “It’s him I don’t trust.”

Alice felt herself leaning in as Will did. Their lips were only inches away when the phone rang. She sees Will turning away and could have sworn she heard him cursing.

Will looks back up and grabs the phone. “Hello,” he said like he was trying not to seem upset. He waits for the person to answer back and says. “Yeah she is.” He hands her the phone and whispers. “It’s Brittney.” He walks over to the Island and leans against it with his arms crossed.

Placing the portable phone to her ear Alice says. “Hello?”

“Hey, I just heard from Scott that you’ll be going to the party.” She hears her giggle on the other line. “Unless he invited me,” she says. “I just cannot believe he is so desperate for you to go to that party, that he invited me to go.”

“Yeah, it’s true.” Alice says with a small hint of laughter. “So, are you going?”

“Yes, but only if you really are going.”

Alice makes eye-contact with Will as she answers. “Yeah, I am going. I want to.”

An hour later Scott was at the door waiting for Brittney and Alice; both of them getting their towels and packing up their bags. Brittney slips on her gold tone sunglasses and makes her way out the door.

Alice looks over at Will, arms crossed and head looking down at the floor as he sits on the arm of the couch. She looks over at Scott who was leisurely leaning against the door frame. “I’ll meet you guys outside. Just give me a second.” She says. Once Scott leaves, she makes her way to Will and gives him a hug.

She feels Will embrace her too. “There is no way I’m going to talk you out of going is there?” He asks already knowing the answer.

Alice slowly shakes her head.

Will stands up and kisses her forehead gently. “Be safe,” he says to her.

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