Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Alice walks through the portal with her wrists clasped in Damos’. The portal was in the back of the castle outside. She looks around horrified to see the ivy that grew on the castle’s walls be withered to brown. The ivory wall that surrounded the castle was now covered in wholes. And the fountains that flowed water throughout the court was flow red blood instead.

In front of them were trolls, ogres, and goblins. Along with those who followed them from Earth. Damos holds up Alice’s arms. “We won,” He says simply.

The whole court hollers in praise.

“And to celebrate at sunset the King of Eden will be killed.”

“No!” Alice shouts and tries to yank her arms out from his grasp. But the effort was useless, since she was still weak and his grip was strong. She kept going at it anyhow with all the anger and pain he has caused her.

Damos slaps her across the face. “Stop it,” He hisses. “You are not to disobey your king.”

Alice glares, “You are not my king.” She says firmly.

Damos slaps her harder and grabs her hair and pulls it back. He whispers in her ear, “You are mine now and forever will be. That would make me your king and for you to treat me as one.” He throws her on the floor. “Put her in a cell, maybe that would make her think twice.”

Alice is picked up and dragged by her arm. Her hands held behind her, a troll takes her into the other side of the court. He opens a wooden door and walks her down the cold stairs. All while she struggles to get out of his grasp. The troll hits her on a wing and she screams in pain. She stops the whole way down.

Walking down through the dungeon Alice could see squires and a few knights that she knew. She wondered if this is what was left of the army. The troll throws her into a cell at the end and shuts the door close on her. Alice feels a bit more fatigue as the feeling of her powers draining even more. It was the work of the iron around her she knew. It was the only place in all of Eden’s capital that you would find iron.

She flinches when she feels someone touching her arm. She turns around and sees the sad look on her father’s face. Alice is astonished to see that she is able to even recognize him. His face was covered between sweat, blood, and dirt. His usually trimmed neat beard has now grown. The clothes that he is wearing is plain and looked like someone from the village would be wearing.

Allegros puts his arm down, and that is when she notices that his arms were chained to the wall. “I’m sorry,” He says.

“For what?”

“For not saving you from him.” He looks around the cell as if he just realized that they were the only two in the cell. He looks back at her, “William?”

Alice looks away from and at the floor. “Damos killed him.”She says trying her best not to cry in front of him.

“William my son?”

Alice picks up her head and looks at the cell across from them. She sees Travis, Will’s foster father. He looked so grief stricken hearing the news. Alice hated having to nod, “I’m sorry I tried saving him.”

Travis’s eyebrows lower and he grips the bars of the cell. Either he was used to having to work with iron when handling the bit to the bridle in the stable, or he was so grief stricken in losing Will that he did not care what the iron did to his hand. “If I get out of here…” He starts.

“Oh settle down.” Alice immediately recognizes that voice as Isabella. “You have not come up with a way to even get out. Cannot believe I got stuck here with the stable handler.”

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