Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

            After fourth period ends, Alice walks out into the crushing bodies that crowd the hall. Pushing her way through the hall filled with students stuck between:  being lost and in a hurry, taking their time getting to class, and the many students who decide to stop in the middle of the hall to chat.

            But even with all that chaos, she manages to find a somewhat empty space under the stairs. She fixes her bag and hair before fishing for her schedule. She looks for her next class and finds that it’s American History with a Samantha Walters in room 226. She knew from having classes last year upstairs, that it was in corridor 200. She looks up and sees most students going up and down the stairs. She sighs for the fifth time today and makes her way up.

            Most students would question whether a teacher was good, bad, nice, mean, young, or old, but not Alice. She didn’t care if she was dealing with a two headed beast. That would make things a lot more interesting actually. Maybe then she could use her gifts instead of letting them go to waste.

            A woman standing by the door appeared to be in her mid-thirties. Time to put the happy-to-meet-you-even-though-I-don’t-want-to-be-here smile. Alice greets her and gives out her name.

            She looked down at the clip-board the woman carried while smiling-whom she assumed to be Ms. Walters-slowly disappears ending in a frown. “I’m sorry but your name isn’t on the list.”

            If only she didn’t have to worry about these little things. “Must be a mistake because my schedule says that I’m supposed to be in this class.” Confusion crossing her face.

            Ms. Walters shrugs. “Sorry dear, but the only thing I can tell you is to take it up with the office.”

            Alice only lets out a soft sigh, not wanting to start an argument. She nods her head  and walks to the office downstairs. The bell rings once she makes it to the first floor. She curses now having to deal with the fact she has to go fix something she doesn’t care about.

            “Hey that’s school property you know.” An unfamiliar boy’s voice says.

            That’s when she felt the throbbing pain in her hand. Alice had just punched a wall. It won’t swell up like a human’s, but bruises would show a little on the knuckle. She rubs her hand trying to make the pain go away while looking across the lobby and seeing a boy standing by the bathroom.

            “I mean the school may be a little old, but deserves better.” he continued talking. He looks at Alice waiting for a response. He doesn’t get one. “So do you talk or just punch walls?”

            Alice notices his eyes were blue, and realizes that he was the same boy who bumped into this morning. She shakes her head to his question. Then she notices that they really were the only two people. “Don’t you have a class to go to?”

            He shrugs. “I go on my own time, and anyways it’s just gym.” He says it so easily, not like some other kids who worry if they miss like class. Or like Brittney who worries about having a grade lower than a B.

            Nodding her head, Alice begins to walk away. “That’s good to know, now if you excuse me...” her voice trails off.

            “Right, I forgot your Brittney Douglas’s friend. The one who acts like she is too good for everybody else.” She hears him say. “You probably have to go fix your make-up or something.”

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