Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Opening up the locker, Alice starts fishing for her history book for fourth period. Lucky for her after going to the office yesterday, the counselor put her in a different class with Brittney in it. But knowing how strict Brittney is with her permanent records, she has never been late to a single class. For that reason Alice guessed that she was probably sitting in her desk with her notebook and pen in front of her. She was just the definition of the perfect student.

            Alice felt someone next to her lean lazily on the lockers. When she turned to see who, she saw Scott in a hoodie with a pair of khaki shorts. She closed her locker and adjusted her bag. “You know if your trying to model to attract attention, you’re only creeping people out.”

            Scott turns his head toward her with a lazy smile. “Keep making jokes, you know you like this.” He said gesturing to himself. “I saw you checking me out last night.”

            “I was trying to get your attention; I was running out of something to drink.” Alice said dryly. Without saying another word, she turned on her heels and started to head to class. But for some reason something was holding back.

            It turned out to be Scott holding her elbow. “Wait I wanted to ask you something.” She heard Scott say. Alice turns around with one raised eyebrow. “Well I wanted to ask you out to go to this beach party with me on Saturday.”

            Man is he impulsive, Alice thought. Before she was able to say no, Scott brushed a thumb on her cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She will admit to herself it did send chills down her back, and in a good way. But no way was she going to give him any satisfaction; especially when he looked like he knew she was going to say yes.

            Alice smiled and put a hand on his arm, brushing it up and down. She cocked her head trying her best to ignore the toned muscles under his shirt. She leans in very slowly, making it seem like she was going to kiss him. Once they were inches apart Alice parted her lips and whispered. “No.” She slowly took a step back.

            Scott seemed shocked and bemused by the whole thing. His face told her that very rarely did he ever hear the word no. A smug grin appeared on Scott’s face. He was about to say something, but a sound of laughter made both of them turn.

            A group of boys that Alice recognized from the pranks yesterday were all laughing and making smooching noises. Obviously they were his friends teasing him on his rejection. It did not take them long to stop laughing when one of the boy’s book-bag straps broke and the contents flew everywhere. Another started laughing, but it seemed like he tripped over his shoe laces. And the last boy was laughing so hard he hardly noticed his pants fell in front of everyone.

            “Ignore them.” Scott asked turning his attention to Alice. “They can be immature sometimes.”

            Alice crossed her arms. “Well I don’t find that hard to believe considering they are your friends.”

            All Scott did was let out a laugh, seeming to know that it was true. Alice grinned somehow liking the fact that he thought the joke was funny. He seemed to be about to say something when the late bell rang.

            “Oh shoot I was supposed to be in class.” Alice says. She turns around only to find Scott pulling her back again.

            “Wait.” he pleaded. When they made eye-contact Scott smiled and nodded. “See you in Art class.”

            With the teacher’s back turned to the door, Alice managed to slip into her seat unnoticed. She pulled out her pen and notebook and scribbled as fast as she could, making sure it looked like she was there the whole time. She stopped suddenly when a slip of paper appeared on her desk. She looked up and saw Brittney instructing her to open it up.

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