Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Will walks next to Alice as they entered the gymnasium. The neon lights showed brightly reflecting off of the cheerful students and family members who came to support the schools volleyball team. It reminded Will of the competitions in Eden. How everyone had their own team or person they cheer for depending on where they came from.

“Hey, we could just stand here the whole game right?” Alice asks peering over at the bleachers. “We don’t have to sit on that heap of metal.”

To the humans the bleachers were nothing but cold metal, but to the fairies and the elves they might as well have been sitting on a low heated stove. Metal or iron is was not good for the fey; just being around it made them weaker.  And since Will had elf blood he could feel some of its effects too. Alice of course felt it more for being more fey than he was.

Leaning on the wall across the bleachers, Will nods. “Yeah I think we’re good here.” He watches the people get ready for the game. The teams have not come out yet as they liked to make a show coming out. He looks over at Alice and thinks about how he was finally going to tell her how he felt about her last night. But then that kid had to go and call her and ruin everything.

 It was probably for the best, since King Allegros did not approve of it. Well he did not say he didn’t, he just said he would not like it if Will were to somehow take advantage of her. The king was always very protective of his two daughters. When the eldest was leaving to be queen of another kingdom, he first made sure that the king-to-be was good enough for her. Allegros also said that if Alice were to feel the same way then he would not stand in the way, but he rather Will wait till after everything is settled.

But seeing Alice just makes him want to break that promise. How much longer is he going to have to wait before she will be swiped away by someone else? You do not find a fairy like Alice everywhere you go. He would know that, and apparently this Scott kid knows that too.

“So are you still meeting that kid here?” He asks Alice. Will saw her arms crossed and her eyes seemed distant. He just needed to know what was keeping her quiet the whole way here.

Alice slowly turns her gaze to him. “You mean Scott?” she asks innocently. She gave an answer once he nodded yes. “If he shows up, he probably will come over to talk to me.” She shrugs. “He just wants to get to know me.”

“Is that who you have been thinking about all night?” he asks. This is something he does not normally ask. Usually he knows who she is thinking about depending on the situation- her parents, Damos, maybe even her sister. But now it is killing him to know if Scott is the one going through Alice’s mind.

“Well he is a friend,” she shrugs. Now it’s a friend. Yesterday it was ‘the stupid kid from the restaurant.’ “It’s no big deal if a friend is in your mind for a few hours.”

Will’s eyebrows stitched together. A few hours? He thought.

“We were talking on the phone while you were in the shower today.” She looks away from him and at the bleachers. “He asked me to this beach party on Saturday.”

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