Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

The sound of the door banging wide open, stirs Alice to sits up in the bed. She sees Damos standing at the threshold leering at her. He walks into the room and shuts the door behind him. Alice could see the paneling on the door was broken.

“Trying to lock me out, dear?” He says and walks up to her. He goes to touch her face, but Alice swipes his hand away.

“Do not touch me,” She says firmly.

Damos raises his hand and slaps her so hard she rolls off the bed. “You do not order me around.”

Alice sits on her knees with her back to him. Her palms on the floor and her head lowered. She feels the sting on the side of her face where he slapped her. She feels him about to grab her, and she grips the dagger on her thigh. She spins around to stab him, but is stopped when Damos grabs her wrist.

“Not very smart of you,” He says. He pulls her up by her wrists and puts pressure on her armed hand till she let go.

Alice could not help but let out a sharp yell when he does. He held her so tight it felt like he would have broken her hands off. She gets pinned to the wall and she struggles to break free.

“Your guardian cannot save you now,” Damos says in a menacing tone. He presses himself into her and holds both wrists in one hand above her head. “And I‘ve been waiting a long time for this.”

“Please stop,” Alice keeps muttering. She could not help but whimper as Damos lifts up her skirt above her thigh. She kept struggling to get out, but Damos only tightened his grip on her more.

Damos forcefully kisses her while pulling on the straps of her dress. He presses her more against the wall. He pulls back when Alice bites down hard on his lips. He leers and goes back to kissing her hungrily again. He does not stop until the sound of furniture breaking comes from downstairs.  He contemplates it for a while and goes back to Alice until a troll comes banging on the door.

Damos impatiently lets go of Alice. He opens the door and there was a troll with blood dripping out from under his eye. “What do you want?”

“We are being attacked sir,” The troll says.

“I’ll be right there,” He says and walks back to Alice. He bends down and takes the dagger from the floor. Damos looks at her for a while and then leaves closing the door behind him.

Alice drops to the floor. She sits there shaking and fixing her dress. She took the covers off the bed and wraps it around her somehow thinking that this could protect her. Tears roll down her face knowing that next time it was going to be worse. She picks up her shaking head when she hears the door opening. She expects to see Damos walking back in, but her confusion comes over her when she sees Brittney instead.

Brittney tilts her head, “Oh Alice.” She says sympathetically. She runs over to her and helps her get up. That is when Alice notices the steel bat. She puts an arm around her waist and helps her out the room carrying the bat in her other hand.

“T-the bag, g-get the bag,” Alice says pointing to the bag in Will’s closet.

Brittney does not question her and slings the bag over her shoulder. She takes Alice by the hand and pulls her down the stairs. “Sorry I did not come sooner.”

Alice does not pay attention to what she was saying as she surveys the living room. Trolls and goblins were sprawled across the floor. Their heads covered with blood. Alice looks over at Brittney’s bat and sees blood stained on it. She looks for Damos on the floor, but does not spot him. He must have ran away when he saw what was happening. She looks at the open basement door. “Will,” She mumbles.

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