Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Later in the afternoon a few of the kids decide to play a game of beach volleyball. Out of the ten people that went to play, Brittney of course is picked to be a captain along with a dark skinned girl named Nicole.

Alice sits on the sand watching the game as the ball keeps getting passed between Brittney and Nicole’s team. Not one side has yet to make a score. Alice raises her eyebrows knowing full well that this is only a warm-up for Brittney, as she is one of the most competitive person she has ever met.

She turns at the feeling of someone sitting next to her, and sees Scott nearly dry in only his red swim shorts. Alice could not help notice his toned muscles as the water was dripping down his chest. She notices not a single scar or freckle was on his body; almost too perfect to be human. Alice flinches away when Scott turns his head towards her.

Scott only smiles as he searches her up and down. Something about the way he moves his eyes over her just distracts her from whatever she was thinking of. When he scoots closer to her, Alice does not move. It feels comfortable and easy just sitting next to him.

“Are you having fun?” Scott asks.

Alice nods silently with a smile. Trying to focus on the game, but finding she is failing. Whenever this kid is around it is just too hard to concentrate on everything that is around her. Scott could somehow even make her forget what is going on in her life. He is just one big distraction she did not mind having.

Gesturing toward the wavy water, Scott opens his mouth. “You want to go for a swim?”

Peering over at the ocean, Alice thought about how she should not be pushing things. Maybe Will was right, and something could happen? She finds herself looking behind her half-hoping Will would just appear, but of course he did not. Alice turns back to Scott and shakes her head. “I’m not the best swimmer.”

“Guess bringing you to a beach was a stupid idea.” Scott says sounding like he was berating himself.

Alice shakes her head modestly. “I really wanted to come. I did not feel like staying home today.” She says as her mind goes back to Will; remembering their fight and his coldness. A shiver goes down Alice’s back, hoping that this fight would not continue.

He just needs to understand I make my own choices, not him. She thinks as she buries her feet into the sand.

Alice rubs her arms and scoots closer to Scott wanting to find something to warm her. Their skin almost touching, but she finds something feels different when sitting this close to Scott. But instead of questioning it she decides to just ignore it for now.

“So, how come you are not playing?” Alice asks turning to Scott.

Scott shrugs his shoulders. “I was but then I saw Brittney and Nicole picked as team captains.”

“Uh-huh,” Alice says prompting him to go on.

Pointing over to Nicole, Scott continues and says. “She may not be on the volleyball team, but as long as I have known her she has always been competitive in any sport.” Scotts points at Brittney. “And she does not look like she likes to lose to games either.” He places his hand on his chest. “I personally would not like to be part of that game or get yelled at for missing the ball.”

Alice could not help but laugh.

“Hey, how about that I just made you laugh without making a fool of myself.”

His comment only made Alice to laugh more. Soon enough Scott was laughing with her.

“You got a nice smile.” Scott says to her with his own smile. “You should show it more often.”

As a hint of blush appears on Alice, she bites down on her lip and lowers her gaze. When she looks back up, she sees Scott still looking at her. Her bangs fall across her face, and she feels like she should not be getting this close to him. She had other priorities. Her kingdom is in the middle of a war, and she is here flirting with a boy she has not known for that long.

I’m such a lousy, selfish, irresponsible princess, Alice thinks. She moves just a tad away from Scott, not meeting his gaze. Knowing Will was right this morning, this was a stupid idea. Why did she even come?

Scott moves her bangs behind her ear, and puts his hand under her chin pushing her head up to meet his gaze. “You okay?”

Alice nods. “I’m fine, but I think I should go after the game ends.” 

“Is something wrong?” Scott asks. His eyebrows pull together, and his face full of concern.

Alice shakes her head, trying not to meet his gaze. “I should be home right now,” she whispers. With Will and waiting for any news from her parents.

It takes her awhile to notice that Scott was holding her hand, until after he calls her name. She makes eye-contact with him. “You want to go for a walk, you seem tense?” He asks before continuing. “Look I’ve had a lot to deal with in my childhood, and I’m sure whatever it is that’s going on in your house is a lot to deal with.” He rubs her hand. “But it’s okay to relax and enjoy your life too.”

A wry smile crosses her face, as she remembers why she came. So she could get away from her troubles for just one day. She was not a princess here, no one here expects her to act a certain way. Maybe it was not so bad pretending to be something you are not.

“So do you want to go for that walk or what?” Scott asks.

Alice nods with a smile on her face. “Yeah, I really would like to take a walk.” She stands up next to Scott, and follows him toward the shore. They walk on as the water laps at their ankles and their footprints get erased.

They stop when Scott bends down and starts picking at the seashells embedded in the soft sand. “Whenever my family was at the beach, my mom used to collect the sea shells and bring them home and make them into different things.” He grabs the leather cord around his neck and holds out a shark tooth that was tied to it. “She made this when I was seven.”

Alice bends down to sit on her knees, and takes a hold of the tooth. She smoothes her hand over it, and feels the edgy bottom and smooth triangle shape. It seems so harmless and pretty, knowing for a fact that it once belonged to something that could kill. She drops the tooth and watches it dangle on Scott’s chest. She meets his gaze. “You actually look like someone that would where this.” She says with a grin. “So, what would your mom make?”

Scott scans the ground and picks up an upside down U shaped shell covered in brown spots on the outside, and hollow and white on the inside. “She would make this into a bracelet or necklace; along with some smaller seashells.” He puts it down and picks up a reddish brown shell that spiraled around. He puts it over her hair and pushes a strand back. “She could make this into a barrette, and she would sell them or just give it away” A wry smile spreads across his face and looks at the ground. “She was good at making things.”

  “You seem very close to your mother.”

Scott purses his lips and gazes up at the sky before meeting Alice’s eyes. “We were close.”

Alice’s eyebrows furrows. “Were?”

Scott shrugs. “She passed away when I was ten.”

“I’m sorry,” Alice whispers not knowing what to say.

Scott starts to get up. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” He holds out a hand for her. “C’mon we should head back.” He says.

Alice takes his hand while she notices his demeanor change. She barely recognizes the boy she thought was cocky. Instead she saw someone different. Alice did not know what to think of Scott exactly. She did know for certain that she was not the only one pretending.

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