Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

The conversation ends, and Will walks out of his room and saunters into Alice’s room. He stops at the threshold and leans on it watching Alice sleep. Her face was so peaceful and serene compared to the news that Will received. He rubs his face thinking how he was going to tell her. Will wishes it was Allegros that would tell her instead of him, but the king had asked him instead. Allegros told Will that he could not bear to look at Alice and tell her.

Will walks up to her bed and covers her. He brushes back her soft brown hair.

“Will?” He hears her groggy voice.

 “Go back to sleep.”

Alice tries her best to keep her eyes open as she sits up.

Will puts a hand on her shoulder and tries to push her back down. “Alice, go back to sleep,” He asks. Will grabs her covers again and tries putting them on her, but Alice refuses and sits up straighter.

“You came in here because something was bothering you,” Alice says rubbing her eyes. “You never come in here after you talk to my father.” Alice takes a hold of his hand, “What’s wrong?”

Will bites down on his lip not wanting to tell her now. Not after something good finally happens here. He did not want to have to ruin it, not now. Will shakes his head, “I will tell you in the morning.” He says trying his best to push it at least to prolong it. Will cups his hand behind her neck and starts kneading it. Trying his best to get her to relax and fall asleep.

Alice closes her eyes enjoying the feel of his hand on her. Her eyes slightly open and she pushes his hand away. She sits up and looks him straight in the eyes. “If it is bad news, please tell me.” She leans in and kisses him softly on the lips, “I rather you tell me now than having to wake up in the morning with bad news.”

Will sits on the bed next to her. He sighs knowing that she is right. He smoothes his thumb over her cheek hating himself for what he has to tell her. He frowns, “It is your mother.”

“What about my mother?” Alice asks. Her eyebrows stitch together in confusion.

Opening and closing his mouth as he tries to think of how to tell her. He finally opens his mouth again and says, “She wanted some fresh air, so she went out into the garden. Just for a little while.”

Alice stares at him, “Yes, and she always goes out to the garden. It is okay for her to go out in the garden.” She shrugs, “It is not like the castle has been under attack, since the war is mostly happening outside the capitol.” Her tone was as if she was trying to find it hard to believe that something would go wrong with her mother.

Will gulps, “She never returned from the walk.”

Alice shakes her head not believing it. She was not even looking at him anymore.

“There was an opening in the wall, and it looked like there was a fight.”

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