Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The sun disappears over the clearing and night begins as Will throws a sharp knife into the middle of the target; a part of him wishing that it was Damos’ head. It was his fault that Alice was on Earth batting her eyelashes at some boy she had just met. His fault that Will was in the clearing thinking about what was going on at the party, and making him go crazy with jealousy. The only reason why he had come to the clearing was to let all that anger out.

Will sits on the floor with elbows on his knees staring at the target with five knives stabbed into the middle. He went from firing arrows seven times to throwing knives fifteen times, all of them landing in the red spot.  All while imagining Alice in Scott’s arms sitting on the beach somewhere private.

A sigh escapes his mouth as he wonders how Alice could be falling for a human. She is aware that it is not going to last long, right? She has to go back to Eden once everything is over. Will pinches the bridge of his nose wishing, more than Alice could in the last year and a half, for this whole thing to be over.

Will covers his mouth as he yawns. He looks up at the sky as the moon rises in the horizon and a couple of stars were appearing. He lies on his back feeling all his energy be drained from all the anger and jealousy he was feeling the last two days finally being let out. Will put his hands behind his head and watches the view. Watching the scenery of the crescent moon, Will’s eyes begin to close.

“Wake up Will.” A voice sharply whispers. Someone starts shaking him and says, “If you do not wake up I am going to slap you.” After the threat was made he knows he would be able to recognize that voice from anywhere.

Will forces his eyes to open and sees Alice sitting over him. He sees both of her fists clinging to his shirt as if she were trying to get information out of him. Will looks at her fists then at her with his eyebrows raised. “You mind, this shirt wrinkles easily.” He says a little groggily.

Alice glares at him and pushes him forcefully and turns away from him. “Do not scare me like that again,” She states. Sitting with her back to him, Will was able to see her wings, illuminated by the moonlight. “I thought we both agreed that we be home before sundown when we are separated or at least let the other know where you are.”

Realizing that she was worried about him, Will sits up. “I thought you were still out with Scott.” He said a little glad that she was no longer with him.

Alice looks back at him. “I left early and came home to find the house empty and no note explaining where you were.” Shaking her head she looks ahead of her. “You know I’m already a little bit paranoid, do you not think that I would have been coming up with worse case scenarios.”

“Now you know how I felt today when you left.” Will says getting behind her and pulling her in his arms. He wraps his legs around her while she rests her head against his chest and lowers her wings flat against her back. “It was killing me to go after you and make sure you were okay.” And to make sure you were not kissing Scott, Will adds in his head.

Resting a hand on his chest Alice turns to look up at Will. “At least you knew where I was.” She said her head now resting in the nape of his neck. “The most you could have done was write a note telling me where you were.” Her eyebrows crinkles and worry lines form on her forehead as she says this. She wraps an arm around him and brings herself closer.

Writing a note would not have been an option. He wanted to leave the house and get his anger out as fast as possible without pushing Alice away, Will would have ended up writing something that would do just that. He thinks as his cheek lies against the crown of her head, while Alice starts playing with a button on his shirt. “Did I scare you so much that you had to fly out here?” He asks.

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