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*skip to when they got to know the boys and all sorry but I'm too lazy*

Harry's P.O.V:
So now and after a week we got to know each other like we have lived together for years but I feel that spencer and Ellie are hiding something.
"Hey guys don't you think that Ellie and spencer are hiding something from us?" Liam asked reading my mind
We all nodded. something creepy is going on.
Ellie's P.O.V
I was sleeping and I was having a nightmare it was horrible you don't know this about us but me and spence used to have an abusive dad after our mum died he said it was our fault which I don't get why I mean nobody even knows how she died.
"DADDY STOP" 5 years old me yelled
"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT" he yelled hitting me really hard and kicking me.
"DAD STOP HURTING HER"5 years old spence yelled. dad locked him in our room that has nothing in it exempt on blanket and one pillow......and we hid the guitars that mum got for us before she passed.(A/N that's the one they have now)
Dad just ignored him. another that dad doesn't know is that we have a really old phone but it's a phone so in like 7 minutes the cops were her and they took dad away and I got spence out and he hugged me and we heard dad yell before they took him away
I cried and cried and cried and then I heard a fain Ellie in the distance it sounded like spence and got louder and louder........
••nightmare over••
"ELLIE" spence yelled and I woke up and cried and kept saying he's gonna come back for us and he's gonna kill us
Spence just hugged me and kept saying nice things in my ear and he kissed my forehead and said
"Ellie I promise you that no matter what I'm gonna be next to you if dad came back I won't let him hurt you again and so will the guys cause they're our siblings now ok?"
"Ok spence thank you love you"
"Love you too Ellie"
"I think we should tell the guys-sky,matt and Logan-about the band name"I said and he nodded
We called them they picked up
"HEY GUYS" me and spence yelled they yelled a 'HEY' back
"So I got the band's name..."
"What is it what is it what is it??"sky asked
"Upside down"
"YAY that's really good"they said
"Ok well guys we got to go bye"they said
"Bye" we said back and hung up
"Alright well I'm so tired so I'm gonna take a nap so bye"I told spence
"I'm tired to so I'm going to sleep too"
~15min later~
I can't sleep I'm really tired but I'm scared in case I have another nightmare.
I went to Spencer's side and shook him gently he asked what's wrong I told him that I was scared from having another nightmare so he told me to just sleep next to him so I cuddled to his side and went to sleep.
I know it's really short and it's a crappy chapter I'm really sorry but I'm really sleepy and when I get sleepy I don't think straight so.........yeah.

-lots of love😘🙊🙈❤️

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